Observers frequently miss the second target (T2) if two targets (T1 and T2) are presented in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) within an interval of less than 500 ms. This well-known phenomenon has traditionally been called attentional blink (AB), representing a deficit in the temporal aspects of attention (
Raymond, Shapiro, & Arnell, 1992;
Shapiro, Raymond, & Arnell, 1994). Empirical evidence in this field has suggested that AB phenomenon may reflect a central bottleneck of information processing. Only the T1 gains the privileged access to the capacity-limited resources (perception, attention, or memory), and the processing of T2 is suppressed to protect the ongoing processing of T1. However, an interesting exception is that, when T2 appears in the serial position immediately after the T1 (Lag 1), T2 performance at Lag 1 is much higher than those at other lags during the critical blink interval. Under certain circumstances, T2 performance at Lag 1 is as good as or even better than performance at long lags outside of the AB interval (
Visser, Bischof, & Di Lollo, 1999). It is typically referred to as the Lag-1 sparing (
Potter, Chun, Banks, & Muckenhoupt, 1998;
Visser, Bischof, & Di Lollo, 1999).
Many theoretical and computational models have been proposed to account for the mechanisms underlying AB and Lag-1 sparing (for a review, see
Dux & Marois, 2009). For example, early resource-limitation theories proposes that, due to the sluggish close of attentional gate, two consecutive targets may be processed in the same attentional window and undergo consolidation together, resulting in the Lag-1 sparing (
Chun & Potter, 1995;
Jolicœur & Dell'Acqua, 1998;
Potter, Staub, & O'Connor, 2002). The temporal gap between T1 and T2 is the determinate factor for the occurrence of Lag-1 sparing if there are no switches in the spatial location, task type, or stimulus type between two targets (
Visser, Bischof, & Di Lollo, 1999). On the contrary, the temporal loss of control (TLC) model (
Di Lollo, Kawahara, Shahab Ghorashi, & Enns, 2005) emphasizes that the RSVP processing is governed by an attentional set configured to select targets and exclude distractors. This attentional set is endogenously controlled by a central executive processor. Once T1 is detected and processed, the central control over attentional set is lost and the attentional set can be exogenously reconfigured by the incoming stimuli. If the T1 + 1 item is a distractor, the attentional set needs to be reconfigured and causes a blink. If the T1 + 1 item is also a target (T2), the original attention set is unchanged and as a result T2 is also processed efficiently, which accounts for Lag-1 sparing. A somewhat different approach is the boost-and-bounce theory proposed by
Olivers and Meeter (2008). In this model, detection of T1 elicits a temporary attentional boost, facilitating the processing of T1, as well as that of the upcoming stimuli. If the incoming item is a distractor, the attentional boost of this distractor will trigger a strong suppression (“bounce”) of the subsequently presented item and an AB occurs. if the T1 + 1 item is T2, it will benefit from the original attentional boost and will be encoded successfully, resulting in Lag-1 sparing. Similarly, the episodic simultaneously type/serial token (eSTST) model proposes that Lag-1 sparing occurs if T1 and T2 appear in the same attentional episode.
A recent model put forwarded by Akyürek and his colleagues (
Akyürek & Hommel, 2005;
Hommel & Akyürek, 2005;
Akyürek, Eshuis, Nieuwenstein, Saija, Başkent, & Hommel, 2012) offers an alternative explanation of Lag-1 sparing. Their temporal integration model emphasizes that temporal integration plays a central role in performance at Lag 1 in the AB task. In the literature of AB, Lag-1 sparing is often accompanied with a loss of temporal order information of targets. That is, T1 and T2 are both correctly identified but reported in a reversed order. The temporal integration account explains the order reversals by suggesting that the targets may have been integrated together into the same perceptual episode (
Akyürek & Hommel, 2005). However, a crucial aspect of the temporal integration model, which distinguishes it sharply from other models, is that it predicts a kind of unique error report, namely, an integrated percept comprising both T1 and T2 (i.e., seeing only a single merged target stimulus). This prediction was verified by their empirical study (
Akyürek et al., 2012). They adopted a modified attentional blink task in which the two targets could be combined perceptually into a possible target stimulus itself. The results revealed that, when T1 and T2 appeared consecutively (T2 at Lag 1), participants frequently reported an integrated stimulus and the reports of integrations occurred more frequently than order reversals. When the possibility to report the integrated percept was removed, order reversals consequently tripled, suggesting that temporal integration is the primary cause of order reversals in AB. The temporal integration in RSVP is not restricted to Lag 1. In another study, they further revealed an occurrence of three-target temporal integration that spanned an interval of 240 ms, showing an extended temporal integration (
Akyürek & Wolff, 2016). These empirical findings suggested that temporal integration plays a crucial role in Lag-1 sparing. However, the factors that affect the temporal integration remains to be determined.
Previous research on temporal perception has already found that temporal integration is affected by various factors, such as stimulus duration (
Di Lollo, 1980), stimulus intensity (
Di Lollo, Clark, & Hogben, 1988;
Long & Beaton, 1982), spatial proximity (
Di Lollo & Hogben, 1987), emotion (
Bocanegra & Zeelenberg, 2011), and sensory modality (
Swisher & Hirsh, 1972). For example, two studies adopted a temporal order judgment (TOJ) task, in which participants were asked to report which target appears first. The results showed that temporal resolution was worse when the targets were grouped into one single perceptual object than when they did not group together.
Baek et al. (2007) found that similarity based on the luminance polarity reduced the temporal resolution at the cued location in a typical TOJ task. TOJ performance was better when two targets were in different luminance polarities than in same luminance polarity.
Nicol et al. (2009) further revealed that TOJ performance was susceptible to target distinctiveness (i.e., similarity based on shape). It was more difficult to discriminate the targets’ temporal order when they were in the same shape than when they were in different shapes. Taken together, these results suggested that similarity between targets facilitated the temporal integration and thus reduced the temporal resolution, resulting in a deficit in reporting their temporal order.
Therefore, in the present study, we aimed to investigate whether the categorical similarity affects the temporal integration. Specifically,
Experiments 1 and
2 were designed to explore whether categorical dissimilarity reduced the temporal integration in a typical AB paradigm.
Experiment 3 was conducted to test whether explicit prior information of target order (i.e., explicitly knowing the order information of targets before the experiment) could eliminate the order reversal.
Experiment 4 adopted a within-subject design and aimed to replicate the findings of
Experiments 1 and
2 by equating the set size of the categories.