Median fixation durations (
Figure 5B) were significantly shorter for completely unmodified stimuli (258 ± 28 ms) than for completely isoluminant stimuli (295 ± 38 ms),
t(23) = –8.43,
p < 0.001, which is consistent with Experiment 1. For the checkerboard stimuli, there was a significant main effect of the patch on which the current fixation fell,
F(1,23) = 30.4,
p < 0.001, with longer fixation durations for unmodified than for isoluminant patches. There was also a significant main effect for the type of patch selected for the next fixation on the duration of the current fixation,
F(1,23) = 81.4,
p < 0.001, with the eyes fixating longer on the current patch when the upcoming patch was isoluminant instead of unmodified. The interaction between current and next patches was also significant,
F(1,23) = 6.08,
p = 0.02. As there was neither a main effect of stimulus type (unmodified vs. isoluminant center),
F(1,23) = 0.14,
p = 0.72, nor any two- or three-way interactions involving the factor stimulus type, all
F(1,23) <0.67, all
p > 0.42, data for all follow-up analyses were aggregated over the two stimulus types.
The interaction between the factors current patch and next patch allowed for follow-up analyses of the pairwise differences between the four (2 × 2) combinations of current and next patch. As mentioned earlier, we observed an inverted immediacy effect (longer, rather than shorter, fixation durations on unmodified patches) along with a parafoveal-on-foveal effect (shorter fixation durations for unmodified upcoming patches), which was stronger when the currently fixated patch was isoluminant as opposed to unmodified. Shortest durations (243 ± 34 ms) were observed when a fixation on an isoluminant patch was followed by a fixation on an unmodified patch. The median fixation duration in this “isoluminant to unmodified” (n to n + 1) condition was significantly shorter than fixation durations on completely unmodified images, t(23) = –5.07, p < 0.001. Compared with the “isoluminant to unmodified” condition, fixations on unmodified patches followed by fixations on unmodified patches were significantly prolonged (261 ± 31 ms); t(23) = 4.84, p < 0.001. The median fixation duration in this “unmodified to unmodified” condition was statistically indistinguishable from fixations on completely unmodified images, t(23) = 1.40, p = 0.17. Compared with the “unmodified to unmodified” condition, fixations on isoluminant patches followed by isoluminant patches (isoluminant to isoluminant) had numerically, but not statistically, longer durations (268 ± 38 ms); t(23) = 2.03, p = 0.054. Longest fixation durations were observed for fixations on unmodified patches followed by an isoluminant patch (275 ± 35 ms). The median fixation duration in this “unmodified to isoluminant” condition was significantly longer than in the “isoluminant to isoluminant” condition, t(23) = 2.26, p = 0.03, but it was significantly shorter than fixation durations on completely isoluminant stimuli, t(23) = –4.80, p < 0.001.