Experiment 1, external noise as symmetric and equal among stimulus elements. Internal noise was also assumed to be symmetric and equal, making simple averaging with equal weights an optimal strategy to estimate stimulus hue. To estimate the effective sampling (the number of stimulus elements the observer is able to use), we fit a noise model to each observer’s data. The model is similar to one that has been used for modeling the integration of orientation signals (
Dakin, 2001). The model observer averages hue samples with equal weights, matching the optimal strategy in the task. Internal noise in the model has a zero-mean Gaussian distribution, and it affects the coding of each sample equally and independently. The bottleneck for the model observer is limited capacity in sampling—not all samples can necessarily be used, making performance sub-optimal. The more samples the observers are able to utilize, the more they are able to average out noise in the stimulus. By introducing external noise and estimated internal noise to the equation, one can estimate how many individual cues are needed to average out enough noise to match the observer’s performance. The basic form of the model is:
\sigma _{\mathrm{r}} = \sqrt{\frac{{\sigma _{\mathrm{i}}}^2 + {\sigma _{\mathrm{e}}}^2}{n_{\mathrm{s}}} + {\sigma _{\mathrm{o}}}^2},\quad
\(\mathit {\sigma _{\mathrm{r}}}\) is the noise in the internal response to the whole stimulus, σ
e2 is the external noise variance, σ
i2 is the variance in the internal response to a single element, σ
o2 are other sources of noise, and
ns is the number of samples used by the observer. In our experiment, values of
\(\sqrt{2}\sigma _{\mathrm{r}}\) would indicate observer performance in terms of discrimination thresholds. In the first variant of the model,
ns represented a fixed maximum number of samples the observer is able to use. In the second variant of the model, instead of estimating a fixed value for
ns, we modeled the number of samples used as
ns =
nek, where 0 <
k < 1, so that
ns always depends on the number of stimulus elements. These two models will be referred to as the simple model and the power model, respectively. Both models have three free parameters (σ
i2 and σ
o2 in both models plus
ns in the simple model and
\(\mathit {k}\) in the power model). The model was fit for each observer individually by maximizing the log-likelihood of the parameter values given the data. One set of parameters was estimated for all conditions (a single model was fit to all noise conditions and stimulus sizes). For illustration in
Figure 4, the power model was also fit to the averaged discrimination thresholds.