Figure 6 shows the average confidence rating for each of the four possible response categories collapsed over objects and observers. Each of the individual bar graphs shows the average data for a single light map for all possible combinations of materials and illumination intensities. Let us first consider the results for the shiny white material. Note in
Figure 6 that these were categorized as shiny white with a high confidence rating for all five light maps. This finding suggests that the categorization of shiny white materials is only minimally influenced by the pattern of illumination.
There was much more confusion between the metal and shiny black materials, and the pattern of illumination had a much larger influence on the perception of those materials. For example, when images were rendered using the exhibit hall light map with a sparse distribution of illuminant directions, all of the metal objects were categorized as shiny black with a high confidence rating. A quite different pattern of results was obtained with the atrium and esplanade light maps, which had intermediate distributions of illuminant directions: the metal material with a base illumination intensity was rated primarily as metal, and the shiny black material with the base illumination intensity was rated primarily as shiny black. However, when the metal objects were presented with an illumination intensity that was five times lower, they were rated primarily as shiny black, and when the shiny black objects were presented with an illumination intensity that was five times higher, they were rated primarily as metal. These effects are all demonstrated in
Figure 2, which was rendered using the esplanade light map.
When the images were rendered with the snowfield or white room light maps, which had broad distributions of illuminant directions, the results were the opposite of those obtained with the exhibit hall. That is to say there was a general bias to judge all of the shiny black materials as metal. Observers’ judgments for the snowfield light map stand out from the others in several respects. First, the primary confusion for the base illumination metal objects was shiny white rather than shiny black. Second, the combined metal and shiny black confidence ratings were lower than in the other conditions; and third, that was the only light map for which the depicted materials were categorized as “something else” with a rating that was significantly above zero. It is important to note that the distribution of illuminant directions for the snowfield light map is close to a Ganzfeld. Images of objects that are illuminated in that manner can look a bit weird (e.g., see right panel of
Figure 3) because they have so little contrast. These findings highlight an interesting problem of how observers can distinguish between diffuse and specular reflections when they both have the same color. The problem arises because specular reflections from a Ganzfeld are quite similar to diffuse reflections, although they may sometimes be distinguishable due to specular inter-reflections in concave regions (e.g., see right panel of
Figure 3).
To provide a simple quantitative measure of how each light map biased the observers’ judgments, we calculated the average metal confidence rating for all of the metal and shiny black materials, as well as the average shiny black confidence rating. The ratio of these two averages provides a bias index for any particular light map. For the five light maps used in the present study, the bias index was 0.13 for the exhibit hall, 1.63 for the atrium, 1.66 for the esplanade, 4.16 for the white room, and 4.51 for the snowfield. These values indicate that the exhibit hall produces a strong bias to perceive purely specular surfaces as shiny black. The atrium and the esplanade produce small biases to perceive purely specular surfaces as metal, whereas the white room and snowfield produce much stronger biases to perceive those surfaces as metal.
Marlow and Anderson (2013) have argued that visual information for the perception of gloss has three component dimensions. One of these, called specular contrast, refers to perceived differences between the diffuse and specular components of reflection. Note for example that images of shiny black materials typically have much higher specular contrast than those that depict shiny white materials. The second component, called specular sharpness, refers to the perceived steepness of the luminance gradients along the edges of highlights. The third component of their model is called specular coverage, and it refers to the proportion of an object's surface that is perceived to be covered by specular reflections. This is the component that is most affected by the pattern of illumination, and we suspect it may be an important source of information for distinguishing different types of shiny materials, such as metal or obsidian.
It is important to keep in mind that the three components of gloss proposed by
Marlow and Anderson (2013) are all perceptual properties, and they cannot be measured in visual images without obtaining perceptual judgments. Although their analysis was an important inspiration for the one described here, we have focused instead on physical measures of image structure rather than perceptual ones. One of these that we refer to as the percentage of bright pixels (PBP) is designed as a physical analog to the Marlow and Anderson concept of coverage. The logic of this measure for the categorization of shiny materials is based on the relative reflectance curves of metals and dielectric materials shown in
Figure 1. Note that dielectric materials (e.g., obsidian) produce negligible amounts of specular reflection except at high incidence angles, whereas metals produce substantial specular reflections at all incidence angles. It is important to keep in mind that there is only a tiny range of incident angles for each local surface region that will produce specular reflections toward the point of observation. This occurs when the surface normal comes close to bisecting the angle between the direction of illumination and the viewing direction. If the light field has a reasonably broad range of illumination directions, then most local regions on metal surfaces will contain visible specular reflections. However, that is not the case for dielectric materials. Because of the Fresnel effect, specular reflections on those surfaces will be primarily located in peripheral regions near smooth occlusion contours, where there is a sufficiently high angle between the surface normal and the viewing direction.
Our specific method for measuring the PBP involves setting a threshold intensity value and counting the number of pixels with an intensity above that threshold, excluding the background. To test the perceptual relevance of this measure, we calculated the PBP for each of the shiny black and metal stimulus images used in the experiment. The shiny white stimuli were excluded from this analysis because they contained both diffuse and specular reflections. After some trial and error, we found that a threshold of 50 produced the best fits to the empirical data. The left panel of
Figure 7 shows the shiny black confidence ratings as a function of the PBP, and a similar plot for the metal ratings is shown in the right panel. For the shiny black judgments, there was a strong linear correlation with the PBP (R
2 = 0.84). This relation was more complex for the metal judgments, producing an R
2 of 0.69. The outliers in that case included all the stimulus objects illuminated by the snowfield light map. These all had PBP values in excess of 90%, yet the average metal confidence rating in those conditions was only 54%.
We also performed a similar analysis using the mean intensity of the images rather than PBP. Although these measures covary to some extent, the PBP measure counts all pixels with an intensity above 50 as equal, whereas the mean intensity weights the brighter pixels more heavily. The linear correlations of mean intensity with the shiny black and metal confidence ratings produced R2 values of 0.61 and 0.50, respectively. Thus the mean intensity accounts for substantially less variance than the PBP measure.
Although the PBP measure does a reasonable job of distinguishing shiny black and metal materials in four of the five lighting environments we employed, it cannot predict observers’ responses to metal surfaces illuminated by the snowfield light map, and it cannot distinguish metal and shiny white surfaces. To better understand those conditions, we identified all the displays with a PBP above 75%, and carefully observed them to see how they differ from one another. The upper row of
Figure 8 shows three examples that depict a metal and shiny white material illuminated by the esplanade light map, and a metal material illuminated by the snowfield light map. Note that these images have very different contrasts. We first tried to measure that by calculating the standard deviations of the image intensity distributions, but this did not provide a good account of the observers’ judgments.
We then considered whether local contrast (as opposed to global) may be more perceptually relevant. To do that we applied an edge filter to all the displays with a PBP of 75% or higher to identify the regions with high local contrast. The bottom row of
Figure 8 shows the results of that filtering for three images in the top row. Note that the metal (esplanade) one has the highest percentage of high contrast regions; the shiny white one has the lowest; and the metal (snowfield) one is somewhere in the middle. To formalize that we measured the percentage of high contrast regions for all of the images with a PBP greater than 75%, and correlated those measures with the observers judgments. This was achieved by setting an intensity threshold of 220 on the edge filtered images, and counting the percentage of pixels below that value (excluding the background). It was immediately clear from this analysis that the three objects employed in the experiment produced noticeably different results, so we analyzed each object separately. The results are shown in
Figure 9. The solid curves in that figure show the best fits to the data using logistic regression, which produced R
2 values of 0.88 for the cobblestone object, 0.82 for the boy's bust, and 0.95 for the distorted sphere. Note that these objects differ from one another in terms of local surface curvature, which can also affect local image contrast. It appears that observers may have considered that in making their judgments so that objects with many high curvature regions (like the cobblestones) require a greater percentage of high contrast regions to be perceived as metal.
It is best to be cautious about drawing any strong conclusions with respect to the specific analyses shown in
Figures 7 and
9. There are many possible measures that are conceptually similar to the ones we adopted, and it is likely that one of these may eventually provide a better account of the perceptual categorization of shiny materials. One interesting distinction between our approach and others that have been proposed in the literature (e.g.,
Marlow & Anderson, 2013) concerns the need to separate the diffuse and specular components of reflection to make judgments about glossy materials. Our strategy has been to avoid that issue by analyzing diffuse and specular components as a single underlying pattern of luminance. Evaluating the success of that strategy will remain as an interesting issue for future research.