In all Müller-Lyer (ML) variants, the reference line was 15.6° long, shifted by 0.2° to the left compared with the middle of the left half screen and vertically centered. The adjustable line was similarly drawn in the right half screen but vertically displaced by 2.1° to the bottom to avoid any direct horizontal comparison of the two lines. The length of the adjustable line was pseudorandomized at the beginning of each trial between 0° and 21.5°.
In the moderate-context inward ML variant, two oblique lines linked the extremities of the reference line with the left border of the screen, making an angle of 77° compared with the reference line. Similarly, two oblique lines were drawn between the extremities of the reference line and the vertical screen midline, making an angle of 74.5° compared with the reference line. In the moderate-context outward ML variant, all oblique lines made an angle of 102.2° compared with the reference line. Two vertical lines were added 6.1° to the left and 4.6° to the right of the reference line in the inward variant, and 7.4° to the left and 7° to the right of the reference line in the outward variant, stopping at the intersection with the oblique lines.
In the poor-context ML variants, there were no additional vertical lines and the oblique lines were cut into 3.5° long fins.
In all Ponzo (PZ) variants, the horizontal reference line was 4.4° long and shifted by 0.8° to the left and 5.8° to the top (up configurations) or bottom (down configurations) compared with the middle of the left half screen. The adjustable horizontal line was perfectly centered in the right half screen and its length was pseudorandomly chosen at the beginning of each trial between 0° and 23.7°.
In the poor-context PZ variants, two diagonals centered at (5.7°, 12.8°) and (18.3°, 12.8°) from the upper left corner of the screen, oriented 36.9° clockwise and 40.7° counterclockwise and 18.9° and 19.8° long, were drawn, respectively.
In the moderate-context PZ variants, two diagonals, as well as seven horizontal lines, were added to the elements of the poor-context PZ variants. The two additional diagonals were centered at (5.4°, 7.7°) and (18.6°, 7.7°) from the left corner of the screen, oriented 66.2° clockwise and 69.1° counterclockwise and were 11.8° and 13.3° long, respectively. The horizontal lines were 5.3°, 5.8°, 6.4°, 7°, 8.8°, 12°, and 25.4° away from the top of the screen. Their length was half the width of the screen.