Each stimulus presentation was followed immediately by 100 ms of broadband, chromoluminance noise. The purpose of this mask was only to eliminate after-images, forcing observers to make judgments based on the percept driven by stimulus onset. We do not expect the noise to have masked this onset response, and the role of noise masking does not factor into our interpretation of experimental results. Each sample of noise was created by frequency-domain filtering: An array of random values was drawn from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance to create a space-time “movie” of white noise. A three-dimensional discrete Fourier transform and cartesian-to-polar change of variables mapped this to the space of orientation, spatial frequency, and temporal frequency. This was multiplied by the product of two frequency-domain filters (Butterworth, order 10): a lowpass spatial-frequency filter, with a cutoff frequency of 2 cycles/deg, and a bandpass temporal-frequency filter with passband between 1 and 6 Hz. The resulting filter was isotropic in orientation. An inverse Fourier transform converted the sample back to a space-time movie. For each sample, two noise movies were generated to create independent achromatic and red-green noise components, which were then summed. Specifically, one noise movie, a, was converted to cone-contrast space by the mapping \(l\; = \;m\; = \;s\; = \;a/\sqrt 3 \), and a second movie, rg, by the mapping \(l\; = \;rg/\sqrt 2 \), \(m\; = - rg/\sqrt 2 \;,\) s = 0. These samples were separately scaled to have postfilter root-mean-square cone contrasts of 15% and 5%, respectively, to compensate for the different sensitivity of luminance and chromatic mechanisms, then summed. Noise masks were presented with the same spatial contrast envelope as patch stimuli. For programmatic reasons, we generated a single noise movie of a 1-s duration for each block and presented a randomly selected 100-ms portion of this on each trial. This windowing altered the frequency content of the noise slightly but did not introduce a large zero-frequency component: the space-time mean chromaticity of shortened noise samples differed from the background by less than 1% cone contrast.