The present results extend our previous findings, which demonstrated a transfer of visual target features such as orientation across the saccade (
Grzeczkowski et al., 2019). Similarly as for the target's orientation, the access to this transsaccadic memory is hampered because it is overwritten by, or integrated with, the postsaccadic stimulus that is usually immediately present at the saccade offset. Blanking, however, postpones the overwriting and/or the integration and creates a short temporal window enabling the access to this transsaccadic memory. Its nature differs from WM, because it is maskable by the postsaccadic stimulus and codes the target's details rather than abstract presaccadic information in a similar way as it was found for the target's orientation (
Grzeczkowski et al., 2019). In agreement with our results, the existence of such a maskable, pre-WM transsacadic memory has been proposed before (
De Graef & Verfaillie, 2002;
Edwards et al., 2018;
Germeys et al., 2010;
Paeye et al., 2017;
Zerr et al., 2017). Interestingly,
Zerr et al. (2017) proposed that transsacadic integration might occur at different stages of visual processing and employ distinct integration mechanisms at different levels. Specifically, the authors proposed that transsaccadic integration can be driven by a remapped, preattentive, and maskable memory as well as by WM that is capacity limited, attention demanding, and nonmaskable. In accordance with that proposition, recent studies showed that transsacadic integration can be modulated by attention (
Stewart & Schütz, 2018a) and be impaired by additional WM load (
Stewart & Schütz, 2018b). Nevertheless, because WM is capacity limited, transsaccadic integration cannot rely solely on WM. In accordance with
Zerr et al. (2017), a recent study using electroencephalography (EEG) showed evidence for different transsacadic integration processes occurring at different processing stages (
Huber-Huber, Buonocore, Dimigen, Hickey, & Melcher, 2019). The study demonstrated that signals relative to the pre- and postsaccadic face targets interact for the first time after saccade landing (170 ± 80 ms) and, later on, for a second time (320 ± 40 ms). These results suggest the existence of fast, pre-WM integration mechanisms, followed by integration at a WM stage. Additionally, the study found evidence in the EEG signal for transsaccadic memory present immediately after saccade. Early studies suggested that a complete, spatiotopic memory trace of the visual world is maintained across the saccade and is the basis of visual stability (
Jonides, Irwin, & Yantis, 1982;
W. Wolf, Hauske, & Lupp, 1978,
1980). In these studies, observers often reported seeing a postsaccadic stimulus, even when the latter had been removed from the screen during the saccade (
Jonides et al., 1982;
W. Wolf et al., 1980). While this initial proposal of the existence of a visible, spatiotopic memory was criticized for methodological reasons such as the involvement of display phosphor persistence (
Bridgeman & Mayer, 1983;
Irwin et al., 1983,
O'Regan & Lévy-Schoen, 1983;
Rayner & Pollatsek, 1983), a new line of evidence, not suffering from such problems, demonstrated the existence of transsaccadic integration (
Fornaciai et al., 2018;
Ganmor et al., 2015;
Germeys et al., 2010;
Hübner & Schütz, 2017;
Oostwoud Wijdenes et al., 2015;
Stewart & Schütz, 2018a; C.
Wolf & Schütz, 2015) and a possibility of such a perceptual rather than representational information (
Edwards et al., 2018;
Grzeczkowski et al., 2019;
Paeye et al., 2017).