For the proximal range, we found a significant negative relation between the target distance and the saccadic error. None of the other effects, including the intercept, were significant. These results suggest that targets below 7
○were systematically overshot and targets above 7
○were undershot. Moreover, as the intercept did not deviate from the center of the proximal range, we conclude that the transition of saccadic overshoot responses to saccadic undershoots appears at the center of the range of target distances in this experimental condition. Thus, the results for the proximal conditions demonstrate a clear range effect in saccades and agree almost ideal-typical with the predictions of the Bayesian saccade-planning model. Target presentation time did not modulate saccadic accuracy, suggesting that the precision of the sensory localization of the position of the target did not differ between the 50-ms and the 500-ms presentation condition. The mixed model analysis for the distal condition revealed a significant negative trend in saccadic errors as a function of target distance plus a significantly negative intercept. No other effects were significant. These results confirm that saccadic errors within the distal range depend on the distance of target within the range such that increasing target distances elicit increasing undershoots of target positions. However, as reflected in the negative intercept of the model and visualized in
Figure 4, saccadic responses toward targets below 13
○(i.e., the center of the distal range) lack a systematic overshoot component. However, as already pointed out, the absence of an overshoot component could be due to a general oculomotor undershoot strategy, especially to distant target stimuli. Thus, the key test for the presence of a range effect in the saccadic responses in this experiment is the comparison of saccadic errors in overlapping saccade-target distances of the proximal and the distal ranges.
Figure 4 suggests that the landing-position errors of saccades toward the same absolute target distances are substantially different between the distal and proximal conditions and were systematically biased toward the centers of the respective range. In order to test this difference, we ran a separate linear regression analysis on saccadic errors within the overlapping range of target distances (i.e., from 8.5
○ to 12
○) employing target distance and range (proximal vs. distal) as predictors. Results are reported in
Table 3. We found again a highly significant negative linear trend in saccadic error by target distance (i.e., increasing undershoots with increasing target distance). Most important, we also found a highly significant effect of the range of target distances such that targets from 8.5
○ to 12
○ in the distal condition elicited larger undershoot errors than the corresponding targets in the proximal condition. This range-contingent difference of saccadic landing positions on identical targets can not be explained by a general undershoot tendency of the saccadic system but matches our key prediction for a saccadic range effect as a result of biased target-position estimates based on the availability of informative prior knowledge.