The authors thank Jim Haxby, Alireza Soltani, Mohsen Rakhshan, and Carlo Cipolli for their comments and suggestions on a previous version of this manuscript and the Martens Family fund for its support. I.K. was supported by the Polish-American Fulbright Commission and the Polish National Science Center (Grants 2016/20/T/HS6/00403 and 2018/29/N/HS6/01082). M.I.G. was supported by NSF Grant 1835200.
Author Contribution: M.I.G. conceived the study. V.C., I.K. and M.I.G. designed the experiment. S.T., I.K. and V.C. collected and analyzed the data. V.C. and M.I.G. wrote the manuscript. The manuscript was read and approved by all authors.
Commercial relationships: none.
Corresponding author: Vassiki Chauhan; M. Ida Gobbini.
Address: Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA; Dipartimento di Medicina Specialistica, Diagnostica e Sperimentale (DIMES), Medical School, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, and Cognitive Science Program, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA.