Figure 6 shows the proportion of high-confidence ratings given an incorrect response plotted as a function of local motion noise, background (uniform vs. noise), and the direction of global motion. Overall, more high-confidence errors were made for counter clockwise than clockwise global motion. However, for both counter clockwise and clockwise stimulus motion, the median proportion of high-confidence errors was higher in the absence of local motion noise. In addition, the effect of motion noise was, to a first approximation, similar in the uniform- and noise-background conditions.
To examine these trends quantitatively, we analyzed the arcsine-transformed data in
Figure 6a,b with separate 3 (motion noise) × 2 (background) within-subject ANOVAs. With counter clockwise motion, the main effects of local motion noise (
F(2, 22) = 14.568,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.29\),
\(\tilde{\epsilon }=0.508\),
padj = 0.0027) and background (
F(1, 11) = 5.089,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.003\),
p = 0.0454) were significant, as was the Noise × Background interaction (
F(2, 22) = 7.380,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.02\),
\(\tilde{\epsilon }=0.925\),
padj = 0.0045). The interaction was significant because the proportion of errors was higher in the uniform-background condition compared to the noise-background condition when the local motion noise amplitude was zero (
t(11) = 2.723,
p = 0.0193,
d = 0.79) or 0.0135 (
t(11) = 2.076,
p = 0.062,
d = 0.60), but it was lower in the uniform-background condition when the motion noise amplitude was 0.027 (
t(11) = −3.426,
p = 0.006,
d = 0.99). However, in both background conditions, more high-confidence errors were made in the zero-motion noise condition than in the 0.0135 motion noise (
t(11) = 3.854,
p = 0.008,
d = 1.11) or 0.027 motion noise (
t(11) = 3.791,
p = 0.008,
d = 1.09) conditions.
With clockwise stimulus motion, the ANOVA yielded a significant main effect of local motion noise amplitude (F(2, 22) = 9.137, \(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.11\), \(\tilde{\epsilon }=0.527\), padj = 0.010). The main effect of background (F(1, 11) = 1.903, \(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.003\), p = 0.195) and the Noise × Background interaction (F(2, 22) = 2.288, \(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.01\), \(\tilde{\epsilon }=0.773\), padj = 0.140) were not significant. Pairwise comparisons across the three levels of local motion noise, after averaging across the two background conditions, indicated that the proportion of high-confidence errors was higher in the zero-noise amplitude condition compared to the 0.0135 (t(11) = 3.369, p = 0.0063, d = 0.97) and 0.027 (t(11) = 2.824, p = 0.0166, d = 0.82) conditions, but the 0.0135 and 0.027 conditions did not differ from each other (t(11) = −0.269, p = 0.793, d = −0.08).
These analyses suggest that high-confidence errors occurred significantly more frequently when there was no local motion noise. In addition, the effects of motion noise were similar, though not identical, in the uniform- and noise-background conditions, which means that high-confidence errors in our experiment were more affected by local motion noise than by the nature of the background.
Experiment 1 suggested that some, but not all, younger observers consistently report seeing global orbital motion in the direction opposite to the veridical motion. We wondered whether the effects of local and/or background noise shown in
Figure 6 differed between observers who were or were not prone to seeing global motion in the incorrect direction. Therefore, we divided participants into two groups depending on whether their overall accuracy across all conditions was above or below chance performance (0.50): Five participants produced overall accuracy scores lower than 0.50, while the remaining seven participants produced overall accuracy above 0.50.
Figure 7 shows the proportion of high-confidence, incorrect responses as a function of local motion noise, background, the direction of global motion, and observer performance. Overall, the low-performing observers made more high-confidence errors compared to the high-performing observers, especially when the stimulus contained no local motion noise.
We analyzed the data in
Figure 7 using a linear contrast that tested whether the arcsine-transformed proportion of high-confidence errors in the zero-noise condition differed from the mean proportion of high-confidence errors in the 0.0135 and 0.027 noise conditions. With counter clockwise global motion, the proportion of errors in the zero-noise condition was higher than in the other two noise conditions (
F(1, 10) = 21.99,
p = 0.001,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.69\)), and this effect of motion noise differed significantly between the low- and high-performance groups (
F(1, 10) = 7.86,
p = 0.018,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.44\)). Similar results were obtained for clockwise global motion: The proportion of errors was greater in the zero-noise stimulus condition than in the 0.0135 and 0.0270 noise conditions (
F(1, 10) = 12.686,
p = 0.005,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}=0.559\)); however, although the difference in the linear contrast between the low- and high-performance groups was in the correct direction, it was not statistically significant (
F(1, 10) = 4.689,
p = 0.055,
\(\eta ^{2}_{p}= .319\)). Taken together, the analyses provide evidence that the effects illustrated in
Figure 6 differed for low- and high-performance observers.