We studied a real-time, dichoptic feedback-based method that modifies interocular alignment and aims to provide rehabilitation for strabismus. We previously showed that the method can be used to train reversible convergent and divergent gaze postures (
Caoli et al., in press). In this proof-of-concept study, we studied the transfer and retention of oculomotor training in normally sighted control observers. The results showed transfer of training under some conditions: Training at one level generally transferred to another level within a gaze direction (convergence or divergence) but not between gaze directions. The results also showed retention of training over one week. The transfer results suggest that this dichoptic feedback approach may provide a scaffolding to train large angle strabismus by successive small steps, and the retention results suggest that these alignment benefits could be retained over time.
Subjects were required to use their eyes to align gaze-contingent rings on a target dot and to hold this gaze posture for at least 1 s. We recorded two classes of data; first, we measured the number of trials completed by each subject in each condition. Since this was a difficult task, not all observers completed every trial. Second, we recorded the time taken by each subject to obtain the target gaze posture each trial. In most cases, these two sources of data were in good agreement. However, the trial times and number of trials completed often indicated a different pattern; for example, there was a significant decrease in the time taken to complete CE after training but no significant change in the number of trials completed. These cases mainly occurred in the hard conditions, where subjects completed fewer trials on average. For example, only two out of eight subjects completed all 40 trials on their first divergent hard session. These two subjects had generally very fast times and did not struggle with the task. Most people, however, either could not complete the divergent task at all or had very difficult times completing only a handful of trials in their first attempt at this condition. This caused a rise in the number of aborted trials, leaving limited numbers of completed trial time data for a large number of trials for the majority of subjects. Consequently, the mean trial times become driven by the two participants who happened to be very good at the task. Compare this to the convergent hard condition, where more participants could complete a higher number of trials overall but at a higher average duration per trial. For these reasons, it is important to consider the average trial times with the overall number of trials completed per condition.
Overall, average trial times were shorter in Session 2 than in Session 1, and there were more trials completed for Session 2 than for Session 1, demonstrating that there is a retention of learning effect across conditions. Participants were better at the task (i.e., they completed more trials or completed them in a shorter time) when returning a second time, even though this second session took place about a week after the first session. Across all conditions, there was a positive median of a retention of learning effect. In other words, participants retained at least some of the learning that took place during their first session and as a result completed the first trial of their second session faster than the first trial of the first session while maintaining a consistent rate of learning.
All conditions had increases in the total number of trials completed from Session 1 to Session 2 (except for the third-order conditions, which were mixed). DH in the DH-DE-CE sequence is the only other condition in which there was a decrease in trials between Sessions 1 and 2, but this effect was mainly driven by one subject who was able to complete all 40 trials in their first session and 0 trials in their second session. Without this outlier, the increase in trials completed between Sessions 1 and 2 for the DH block of DH-DE-CE changes from a decrease of 15.8% to an increase of 45.5%. It is unclear why this subject was proficient in their first session yet was unable to complete any divergent hard trials in their second session. This is the only subject who had a drastic decline in trials completed between the two sessions.
Our results show that there may be an inequality of difficulty between the two tasks. Our null hypothesis was that 2° and 4° would be equally difficult in the two deviation directions, but this might not be the case. Our results suggest that diverging a small angle may be easier than converging a small angle, while diverging a large angle may be more difficult than converging a large angle. This is reflected in our observation that divergent easy times were significantly faster than convergent easy times, but there were significantly fewer trials completed for divergent hard than convergent hard conditions. In other words, the difficulty spike may be larger for divergent than convergent conditions, and future training protocols may need to factor in this difference to match the difficulty progression between the two vergence types. Our results showing transfer of learning across different levels within a deviation direction suggest that this can be accomplished by training participants incrementally on offsets from small angles to large angles for each vergence type, then correlating the average trial times and trials completed for each angle level between convergence and divergence.
There was no significant transfer of learning between divergent training conditions and subsequent convergent easy conditions. However, there was a transfer of learning effect for divergent easy conditions, where subjects who had previously trained on convergent tasks were significantly faster at completing divergent easy trials than those who were given divergent easy without any previous training. This effect is reflected as a significant decrease in time taken to achieve the target gaze posture, but these shorter trial times were associated with a 30.5% decrease in the number of trials completed compared to the untrained group. In other words, the untrained divergent group completed more trials than the trained divergent group, but they required more time to complete those trials. The average trial times for the trained group are therefore representative of less participants and as a result may not accurately reflect the performance of the group as a whole. This combination of results leads to the conclusion that there is no transfer of learning effect between conditions.
When looking at the transfer of learning within deviation directions, previous training on an easy condition helped for subsequent hard conditions, whereas previous training on hard conditions hurt for subsequent easy conditions. Training on a hard task before training on an easy one for the same deviation direction made the easy task harder to complete than if given the easy task first. This may be due to fatigue from attempting to accomplish the hard task at an earlier time in the same session that was necessary to make this comparison in the present study. However, it remains unknown whether such transfer of learning might occur on a more relaxed timescale, although the clinical translation for this combination (hard before easy) is less obvious than the other combination (easy then hard). On the other hand, when given an easy task before a hard task, the number of trials completed increased 24.51% for convergent conditions and 134.73% for divergent conditions. The average trial times for divergence were significantly shorter, and while the average trial times for convergence were significantly larger, the increase in trials completed reflects that of a survival trend.
There was no significant change in interocular suppression after subjects achieved a deviated ocular alignment, compared to the baseline with aligned eyes. Previous results have shown that strabismus surgery patients do not experience changes in binocular sensory vision immediately after their eyes are aligned (
Zhou, Wang, Feng, Wang, & Hess, 2017). While there are significant differences between studies, Zhou et al. (2017) studied strabismus patients and we studied healthy controls; in both cases, changes in binocular motion function are not immediately accompanied by changes in binocular sensory function. There are two related implications: First, the suppression observed in strabismus is not observed with transient ocular misalignment in healthy subjects, and second, alignment interventions in strabismus patients may not be accompanied by immediate release from suppression. In the latter case, further perceptual therapy may be necessary. Taken together, these results suggest that rehabilitation for subjects with binocular sensory and motor deficits will require both sensory and motor interventions.
Overall, we found a retention of learning effect over a one-week period, and there was a transfer of learning demonstrated within the same deviation direction type going from easy to hard. This suggests that not only does training on a smaller angle of deviation improve performance on a larger angle of deviation but that this improvement is somewhat retained over the course of at least one week. We cannot say for sure if this paradigm will be as successful with strabismus patients, but we hope that this proof-of-concept study demonstrates the potential of our paradigm, and we are currently developing a clinical application that would allow us to test this definitively. Oculomotor training paradigms such as this may provide a noninvasive rehabilitation method for people with strabismus, with potentially lower recidivism rates and without the potentially negative outcomes that immediately follow surgery.