The raw motion energy distributions over spatial frequencies in natural sequences for different speeds in normal vision condition are highly skewed toward low spatial frequencies (
Figure 4a). The normalized cumulative motion energy distributions of
Figure 4a have about 90% of the total motion energy concentrated below 12 cpd frequencies for 0.1 °/s speed curve and this amount increases for other speed curves, going up to 99.9% for 30 °/s speed. Due to the higher concentration of motion energy at lower spatial frequencies in natural sequences, there is also a relatively large overlap between the motion energy distributions for NV and the LV conditions (85% for VA 20/50 and 45% for 20/200), but relatively smaller overlap for the complementary vision conditions (38% for VA *20/200 and 3% for *20/50; see
Figure 4b). A larger amount of overlap indicates more similarity in the motion energy distributions. Because the cutoff frequencies for vision condition simulating filters are 3 and 12 cpd (the LV conditions are low pass cases, whereas the complementary conditions are high pass cases around these cutoff frequencies), larger overlap of NV and LV conditions is the expected outcome.
Compared with natural sequences, the motion energy distributions for stochastic images in NV condition are no longer concentrated near low spatial frequency bands but instead appear flat across the entire frequency spectrum (see
Figure 4c). The motion energies are also of significantly smaller magnitude (reduced by about 89%). If we compute the normalized cumulative distribution for 0.1 °/s speed curve, then 40% of the motion energy is concentrated below 12 cpd in stochastic sequences compared with about 90% for natural sequences for the same spatial frequency band. Furthermore, contrary to the natural sequences, there is a relatively larger overlap between NV and complementary vision conditions (86% for *20/200 and 12% for *20/50) than the LV condition (58% for 20/50 and 6% for 20/200; see
Figure 4d). Again, this is expected because there is a relatively small amount of motion energy present in the low spatial frequency band in the stochastic sequences to begin with.
There is a discernable effect of speed on the motion energy distributions, as higher speeds lead to a higher concentration of motion energy in the lower spatial frequency region in both natural and stochastic sequences (see
Figure 4e). Because 3 cpd was the lowest cutoff frequency for simulation of LV conditions, the fraction of motion energy at or below 3 cpd was used as a way to quantify the effect of speed on motion energy distributions. Predictably for the 20/200 vision condition with 3 cpd cutoff frequency, the motion energy fraction at 3 cpd is already at 99% at 0.1 °/s. In natural sequences for NV and 20/50 condition, the fraction of motion energy ≤ 3 cpd at 0.1 °/s speed is at 51% and 68%, respectively. As the speed increases, this amount increases close to about 100% at 30 °/s. The same effect is also seen in stochastic sequences. However, the motion energy fraction ≤ 3 cpd for 0.1 °/s is a lot lower in stochastic sequences compared with natural sequences (5% and 18% for 20/20 and 20/50 conditions for stochastic, whereas 51% and 68% for the same in natural sequences, respectively), before increasing to close to 100% at 30 °/s. There is also a noticeable interaction of visual conditions and speed on the motion energy distribution within natural and stochastic sequences: lower visual acuity leads to a less steep increase in motion energy fraction ≤ 3 cpd for higher speeds. This is again expected, because more motion energy is concentrated in lower spatial frequency regions for LV conditions to begin with.
Speed estimation error did not change significantly in normal vision and the two LV conditions in natural sequences (
F(1, 2.745) = 2.745,
p = 0.099;
Figure 5a). There was a significant effect of speed as the error increased with speed in all visual conditions (
F(1, 1.161) = 34.92,
p < 0.001). The interaction between speed and visual conditions was significant (
F(1, 1.308) = 4.39,
p = 0.034). In contrast to natural sequences, speed estimation error was significantly larger in 20/20 case compared with other LV conditions in stochastic sequences (
F(1, 1.403) = 849.2,
p < 0.001 see
Figure 5b). The error also significantly increased with speed in stochastic sequences (
F(1, 1.701) = 1029.34,
p < 0.001). The interaction of speed with the visual conditions was significant (
F(1, 2.091) = 428.37,
p < 0.001), as the error in the 20/20 condition was significantly higher than 20/50 and 20/200 vision conditions at higher speeds. Speed estimation was impaired in complementary vision conditions as the error was significantly larger in complementary conditions compared with the NV or LV conditions (
F(1, 1.301) = 26.56,
p < 0.001; see
Figure 5c). The error increased significantly with speed in the complementary vision conditions (
F(1, 2.032) = 106.13,
p < 0.001) and the interaction between speed and visual conditions was significant (
F(1, 1.889) = 21.39,
p < 0.001) as the error between complementary and LV conditions was larger at higher speeds. When comparing the two kinds of sequences in normal and LV conditions, the speeds estimation error was significantly different in natural and stochastic sequences (
F = 9.23,
p = 0.005; see
Figure 5d). There was a significant differences in error distribution (pooled across all speeds) in all three vision conditions between natural and stochastic sequences (20/20:
Z = 2.32,
p < 0.001; 20/50:
Z = 1.94,
p = 0.001; and 20/200:
Z = 3.01,
p < 0.001), even as the medians did not differ. This was due to the highly skewed nature of the error distribution, which necessitated use of the nonparametric statistical approach in this particular case.
The data collected from the human observers for the motion direction detection task involving stochastic stimuli (
Figure 6a) showed a significant effect of speed: overall, the correct response rate was lower for 50 °/s speed compared with 26 °/s in both conditions (t = ‒8.03, df = 21,
p < 0.001). Importantly, a significant interaction was seen between speed and visual conditions, with the correct response rate improving from an average of 68% to 92% from NV to LV condition for 50 °/s speed (t = 4.3, df = 21,
p < 0.001). For 26 °/s speed, all subjects detected the motion direction with 100% accuracy in both vision conditions. Similar results were seen for an equivalent direction discrimination task simulated with the computational model (
Figure 6b). The probability of correct direction estimation was lower (at 62%) for NV condition at the higher speed of 30 °/s than the lower speed of 5 °/s, but was the same (100%) for both speeds in the LV condition.