Relationships among fixation map consistency, fixation count, and scene memorability. (a) The Edinburgh results. Scene memorability (“recog accuracy”) was obtained from G1. Fixation map (“fixmap”) consistency and fixation counts were obtained from G2. Raw values were plotted in the scatterplots. The filled square and triangles indicate the scenes presented in
Figure 1. The solid line represents a significant correlation,
⍴(130) = 0.23; 95% CI, 0.09–0.36;
p = 0.007. The dashed line represents a nonsignificant correlation,
⍴(130) = 0.11; 95% CI, –0.03 to 0.25;
p = 0.234, The gray shades represent the 95% confidence bands. (b) Relationship between fixation map consistency and fixation counts in the Edinburgh dataset. The dashed line represents a nonsignificant correlation,
⍴(130) = 0.08; 95% CI, –0.07 to 0.22;
p = 0.365. (c) Explained variance of the linear regression models for predicting scene memorability in the Edinburgh dataset. Models E
Fcnt and E
FMC used
z-scored fixation counts and fixation map consistency as the predictor, respectively. Model E
Both used both
z-scored variables as the predictor. (d) The FIGRIM results. Scene memorability was obtained from AMT participants. Fixation map consistency and fixation counts were obtained from the lab participants. The solid lines represent significant correlations. For recognition accuracy and fixation map consistency,
⍴(628) = 0.21; 95% CI, 0.15–0.27, and for recognition accuracy and fixation count,
⍴(628) = 0.18; 95% CI, 0.12–0.25 (both
p < 0.001). (e) Relationship between fixation map consistency and fixation counts in the FIGRIM dataset. The solid line represents a significant correlation,
⍴(628) = –0.13; 95% CI, –0.2 to –0.07;
p < 0.001. (f) Explained variance of the linear regression models for predicting scene memorability in FIGRIM dataset. Models F
Fcnt and F
FMC used
z-scored fixation counts and fixation map consistency as the predictor, respectively. Model F
Both used both
z-scored variables as the predictor.