Se value for the annulus condition reflects the effect from the surround in the absence of the adapter center. In the experiment 2, where only annulus adapter was used, the change of parameter
Se reflected the TAE induced from the surround, which corresponded in magnitude to the subjective filling-in percept of the observers. Thus, our model captured the effect of the surround region that simulated both the perceived orientation shift and the perceived filling-in. However, the current model provides no direct indication as to the cause or underlying mechanism of filling-in. One possibility is that the surround region actively modulates the center filled-in region through lateral interactions (
Chen, Tyler, Liu, & Wang, 2005;
Komatsu, 2006;
Komatsu, Kinoshita, & Murakami, 2002). Because the empirical data reported in the literature, including neuroimaging results, show evidence supporting both lateral inhibition and lateral excitation during perceptual filling-in, it could be that filling-in percept results of an interplay between the excitatory and inhibitory lateral interaction from the surround feature to the central blank regions. Alternatively, it is also suggested that the center region is filled-in due to sensitivity loss at the boundary between the blank area and the surrounding context, that is, the isomorphic theory (
Cohen & Grossberg, 1984;
Gerrits & Vendrik, 1970;
Kinoshita & Komatsu, 2001;
Neumann, Pessoa, & Hansen, 2001). Yet, another possibility is related to the idea that the brain simply “ignores” the missing information and assumes a complete surface, or the symbolic or cognitive theory (
Pessoa, Thompson, & Noë, 1998;
von der Heydt, Friedman, & Zhou, 2003). The limitation of the current study is that although the adaptation paradigm is useful for revealing the effect of different adaptors, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact neural activation or neural mechanism during perceptual filling-in even with the help of a model. In our current model, the value of parameter
Se, excitatory sensitivity to the adapter center, reflects the strength of TAE, and perceived filling-in induced by the annulus adapter. However, the fact that the variation in
Se could be the result of many possible factors, such as differences in lateral interaction, different levels of induction from mechanism sensitive both to the center and surround, changes in boundary sensitivity, and even some top-down influences from higher brain regions, we could not determine the source of the filling-in perceived by observers in the current study. Such a limitation could be overcome by implementing neuroimaging methods, such as fMRI in future studies.