The current work focused on visual and cognitive factors that have been linked to gaze control and how these relationships vary across attentional states. Previous work has shown that mind wandering is associated with fewer, longer, and more dispersed fixations in a scene memorization task, with the most robust effects occurring 10 seconds prior to reported mind wandering (
Krasich et al., 2018). Our goal in this report was to determine if such shifts in gaze behavior were characterized by content-dependent adjustments to gaze control mechanisms. To do so, we assessed how the visual system samples visually salient and semantically informative scene content during mind wandering.
We operationalized mind wandering as moments directly prior to when participants reported not being focused on the scene memorization task and, thus, to some degree were perceptually decoupled from the processing of the external world (e.g., Murphy et al., 2018;
Schooler et al., 2011). Mind wandering was self-reported following occasional thought probes that queried the focus of participants’ attention. We then compared the associations among fixation location, visual salience, and semantically informative content within the scene prior to probes where participants indicated that they were paying attention to their scene memorization task and where participants admitted to mind wandering.
Our main study revealed an increased propensity for fixated scene content to be more visually salient (as measured by two of the three models used to operationalize salience) in the 10 seconds prior to reported mind wandering compared to reported attentive viewing. This time window corresponds to that in which changes in content-independent measures of gaze behavior were previously observed (
Krasich et al., 2018). This fixated scene content also tended to be more semantically informative when operationalized in terms of local identifiability, but the effect of mind wandering was not statistically significant. No differences were observed across attentional states when semantic content took into account the importance of local scene regions to the overall scene content. As such, findings from the main study indicate that gaze was directed to scene content that was more visually salient during mind wandering compared to attentive viewing. This suggests that changes in the spatial aspects of gaze during mind wandering reflect a content-dependent shift in what visual information is sampled.
Unfortunately, a conceptual replication provided by
Krasich et al. (2018) was underpowered with respect to the effect sizes observed for visual salience, even though this same replication study was able to reveal strong mind wandering-related changes in content-independent measures of gaze behaviors (i.e., fewer, longer, and more dispersed fixations). That said, combining the data from the main study and the replication study yielded a more powerful statistical analysis in which all effects from the main study alone were maintained. Furthermore, we were able to show with this analysis that the ability to predict what content will be fixated by an observer is improved by knowing the observer's attentional state while viewing the scene.
Both the main study and the joint-experiment analyses also highlight a contrast in magnitude between the smaller association between mind wandering and what information is viewed (i.e., more salient regions) versus the much larger association between mind wandering and how information is viewed (e.g., more slowly). From a theoretical point of view, this suggests that the link between mind wandering and changes in local gaze behaviors are weaker, more fragile, and/or more sensitive to task-specific idiosyncrasies than content-independent measures of gaze behaviors. For example, the effects of mind wandering were only observed in two of the three models of visual salience, indicating that at least the idiosyncratic procedures for computing salience characterizes the mind wandering–salience link. That is, the AWS and RARE models reflect contrasts relative to the entire image and do not incorporate a center bias. The GBVS model characterizes salience in terms of difference across local regions and does favor regions centrally located. Although it is unclear which computational difference across these models best characterizes the mind wandering–visual salience link, our findings do indicate some nuance in this relationship. This nuance requires further exploration, but it does suggest that content-independent gaze measures may provide a more efficacious set of parameters for identifying mind wandering across a range of contexts and tasks.
Future work is certainly needed to establish the links among gaze, scene content, and mind wandering, as well as whether, and to what extent, stimulus-specific or task-specific idiosyncrasies might influence these effects. The stimuli used in this study were admittedly few in number (12) and restricted in range (urban scenes). Also, beyond memorization tasks like the one used here, observers have many different goals when viewing or interacting with visual information. Thus, the extent to which the relationship between gaze and mind wandering may be modulated by exposure to different scenes, tasks, or intensions remains an interesting question. Despite these limitations, however, a clear message that emerges from our data is that contemporary frameworks of gaze control are incomplete, and explanatory models of gaze must account for both shifts in sampling rate (i.e., longer fixations) and shifts in the kind of information that is sampled (i.e., higher salience, higher local semantics) during mind wandering.
Although the exact nature of these mechanistic changes will require a great deal of additional work, our results give us an important first look into new ways of thinking about gaze and attention during mind wandering. Our data, for example, suggest that gaze control mechanisms may “rebalance” salient and semantically informative information during mind wandering. As attention shifts away from in-depth visual processing, gaze is more likely to be directed toward scene content that is visually distinct and stands out, and less time is spent interrogating visually indistinct or difficult to interpret scene regions. Our findings are also consistent with the levels of inattention hypothesis derived from studies of mindless reading (
Schad, Nuthmann, & Engbert, 2012). The levels of inattention hypothesis conceptualizes mind wandering as being a matter of degree, where “weak” and “deep” mind wandering have different effects on gaze. During deep mind wandering both low- and high-level processes are decoupled, whereas during weak mind wandering high-level processing is decoupled but low-level processing is intact. The shift in fixations toward salient information in our study may reflect weak mind wandering, where low-level properties become more important in the absence of higher-level cognition. Thus, the shift from weak to deep mind wandering may constitute the basis for our proposed rebalance of information that influences gaze control as mind wandering occurs.
An alternative account posits that the visual system may operate following similar principles across bouts of attentive viewing and mind wandering, but with an inefficiency that decreases sampling rate (i.e., fewer and longer fixations) and elicits a sort of exploration–exploitation tradeoff (e.g.,
Jepma & Nieuwenhuis, 2011) reflected by an increase in fixation dispersion (
Faber et al., in press;
Krasich et al., 2018). Moreover, increased noise or variability in gaze control may inconsistently give rise to content-dependent changes or unspecified changes not directly captured by visual salience or semantic informativeness. Future work should further discern the relationship between mind wandering and content-dependent factors aside from visual salience and semantic informativeness to further assess this possibility.
In conclusion, everyday thoughts frequently consist of mind wandering, during which visual and cognitive processing is attenuated. Corresponding changes in gaze behaviors suggest a shift in how the visual system samples information in light of perceptual decoupling thought to occur during mind wandering. This reflects a prioritization of visually salient scene content (and perhaps local semantics), although this effect may be sensitive to task-specific as well as mind wandering-specific idiosyncrasies. Theoretical frameworks and computational models of gaze control that consider fixation allocation should account for these changes in gaze associated with mind wandering for a comprehensive account of the visual processing priorities of the visual system across various attentive states. Doing so would inform applied efforts to predict and detect mind wandering in real time (e.g.,
Hutt, Krasich, Mills, Bosch, White, Brockmole, & D'Mello, 2019), disentangling how the specific content of a scene should be considered or whether focusing on content-independent measures of gaze behavior is optimal.