Any trials with response times exceeding 6 seconds were excluded from analysis, a total of 0.7% of all trials. We computed the sensitivity d′ in each experimental condition based on matching accuracy (proportion correct). The d′ for the matching-to-sample paradigm (ABX design;
MacMillan & Creeman, 1991) was calculated by using the “dprime.ABX” function in the “psyphy” package (version 0.1.9;
Knoblauch, 2014) in R (version 3.6.1;
R Core Team, 2016).
Figure 2A shows the distribution of d′ in each experimental condition: the x-axis represents the value of d′ and the y-axis represents the experimental condition (illumination, discriminability, or task procedure). We can see how the matching performance was affected by the task procedure (simultaneous/successive) in each viewing condition (illumination × discriminability) by comparing adjacent distributions of d′ (gray and orange). The distributions of d′ were highly overlapping between simultaneous and successive matching conditions in the near- and far-illumination condition, with the exception of the same-illumination condition, in which d′ was lower in the successive matching condition. We conducted a 3 (material) × 2 (task) × 3 (illumination) × 3 (discriminability) repeated measures ANOVAs with material as a between-participants factor and task, illumination, and discriminability as within-participants factors by using the “anovakun” function in R (
Iseki, 2019). Results indicated that all four factors had significant main effects: material,
F(2, 69) = 28.4,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.45; task,
F(1, 69) = 57.2,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.45; illumination,
F(2, 138) = 194.0,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.74; and discriminability,
F(2, 138) = 336.0,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.83. Some factors had significant two-way interactions: task × illumination,
F(2, 138) = 12.3,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.15; material × illumination,
F(4, 138) = 21.1,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.38; material × discriminability,
F(4, 138) = 9.13,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.21, illumination × discriminability,
F(4, 276) = 8.48,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.11, and a significant three-way interaction: material × illumination × discriminability,
F(8, 276) = 5.02,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.13. None of the other interactions were statistically significant.
A multiple comparison (Shaffer's modified sequentially rejective Bonferroni procedure,
Shaffer, 1986) revealed a large effect of task procedure in the same-illumination condition,
F(1, 69) = 52.1,
p < 0.0001, η
p2 = 0.43. However, the effect of task procedure was small in the near-illumination condition,
F(1, 69) = 4.88,
p = 0.031, η
p2 = 0.066, and far-illumination condition,
F(1, 69) = 2.62,
p = 0.11, η
p2 = 0.037. We plotted d′ in the successive conditions against d′ in the simultaneous conditions to illustrate the effect of task procedure or memory demands on matching sensitivity (
Figure 3: data were pooled over the material dimension because the interaction between task procedure and material dimension was nonsignificant.) As shown above, the negative impact of memory demands on d′ was evident in the same-illumination condition, but not in near- and far-illumination conditions. Data points in near- and far-illumination conditions were widely spread around the diagonal line, which suggests that observers were able to perform successive matching as accurately as simultaneous matching regardless of task difficulty in each viewing condition.