There are several practical problems that needed to be addressed in creating the stimuli for this experiment. Although patterns of interreflective contours were the primary focus of this research, it was important that those contours be generated from images of metal and glass materials that are clearly recognizable. The first problem we faced is that the appearance of these materials is strongly affected by the pattern of illumination (
Todd & Norman, 2018; Todd & Norman,
Norman et al., 2020). For, example, if the illumination is too sparsely distributed, metal surfaces can appear as shiny black, and, if the illumination is too diffuse, metal surfaces can appear as shiny or matte white. The appearance of glass is also particularly sensitive to the way it is illuminated (
Hunter, Biver, & Fuqua, 2007;
Todd & Norman, 2019). With nonoptimal lighting, the image of a glass object may contain weird looking patches of black and white, or the object may disappear altogether as if it were invisible. This problem is compounded by the fact that the ideal illumination for one material may not work well for others (
Zhang, de Ridder, & Pont, 2015). For example,
Figure 7 shows three images of a bumpy sphere composed of shiny white, metal and glass materials. The lighting in these scenes includes two large area lights, one that illuminates the surface from the front left, and another that illuminates it from the back right. This is a common pattern of lighting in photography for opaque dielectric materials because it provides good contrast and clear definition of an object's boundaries. However, this does not work at all for metal or glass. Note in
Figure 7 that the metal object in the middle panel appears as a shiny black material, and the glass object in the right panel appears as a metal or shiny black material.
Hunter, Biver, and Fuqua (2007) have observed that glass objects have “grayed the hair and wasted the time of more photographers than any other substance.” This is because most patterns of illumination do not produce compelling images of glass materials, and that is also true for metals. If you pick a light map at random to illuminate a scene, the odds of it producing recognizable glass or metal materials are rather small. Our solution to this problem was to use a light map of the Charles River esplanade from the sIBL archive that has been shown in previous research to allow accurate categorizations of all the materials used in the present experiment (
Todd & Norman, 2019;
Norman et al., 2020).
Another important issue that needed to be addressed concerns the multiple scale spatial structure of internal and external surface interreflections. Note in
Figure 1 how the spatial frequency of the surface reflections becomes greater and greater in more peripheral regions of the hemisphere, and a similar effect is also observed within the glass images of
Figure 5. For even modestly complex surface geometries, these high frequency variations in luminance may not be resolved adequately by the renderer, and this can produce a noisy appearance in the resulting image. This can be mitigated to some extent by rendering an image at a very high spatial resolution, but that dramatically increases rendering times for glass materials. The alternative is to somehow blur the high frequency structure. This can be achieved in several possible ways. One is to blur (i.e., antialias) the final image, which can create a blurry appearance. Another is to add a small amount of roughness to the surface material. This works well with shiny opaque materials (
Mooney & Anderson, 2014;
Todd & Norman, 2018), but it radically changes the appearance of glass (
Todd & Norman, 2019). A third alternative is to blur the light map, so that its high frequency components are smoothed. This is functionally equivalent to adding roughness to opaque surfaces, but it also works well with glass (see
Todd & Norman, 2019). For example, the top left panel of
Figure 8 shows a light map of the Charles River esplanade. The top right panel shows a blurred version of that map. The original esplanade light map had a spatial resolution of 3200 × 1600 pixels, and we transformed it using a Gaussian blur filter with a radius of 15 pixels. The images in the lower two panels of
Figure 8 show bumpy chrome spheres illuminated by the light map directly above them. To our eyes, the blurred one on the right looks much more natural than the unblurred one on the left, and that is the one we employed for all of the stimuli in the present experiment. Although it is possible to produce polished chrome materials that produce perfect mirror reflections, they typically become smudged by dust or water deposits when exposed to the elements of a natural environment.
The rendered images used in this experiment were created using Maxwell Renderer 4 developed by Next Limit Technologies (Madrid, Spain). Maxwell is an unbiased renderer in that it does not use heuristics to speed up rendering times at the cost of physical accuracy. Although the quality of the images it produces is quite high, this comes at a substantial cost in rendering time, especially for materials that involve transparency or translucency. The images were rendered on a computer cluster with 64 cores.
There were nine different stimulus objects used in the experiment that were all presented in front of a dark gray background plane. All of the objects were approximately 10 cm in height, and their widths varied from 5 to 10 cm. Each object was rendered using a simulated camera at a distance of 55 cm with a 171 mm lens that had a 12° field of view, and an F-stop of 40 so that there was a large depth of field. The simulated materials included a glass material with a complex IOR of (1.5, 0), a chrome material with a complex IOR of (3.2, 3.3), a shiny black material (i.e., obsidian), whose reflections were identical to glass, but without any light transmission, and a shiny white material with a linear combination of diffuse and specular components.
Figure 9 shows three of the objects with a glass material, and
Figure 10 shows the remaining six objects with metal, shiny black, and shiny white materials. The experiment included all 36 possible combinations of nine objects with four materials.
The rendered images were globally tone mapped for the Apple monitor into the sRGB 2.1 color space with a D65 white-point and a gamma of 2.2. No other global histogram adjustments (e.g., tint or burn) or local sharpening or contrast enhancement operators were used. Because the intensity of the light map was adjusted to prevent saturation of the specular highlights and we did not compress the dynamic range of intensities, this likely caused some loss of information at lower intensities that might have been visible on a display device with a higher dynamic range.
An additional 36 stimuli were created by applying a Sobel edge filter to all of the images of glass and chrome materials using the Photoshop CC 2019 find edges tool. Because we suspected that the contrast polarity might have a significant effect on observers’ perceptions, we created two versions of these contour images, in which the contours could be presented as either white on black or black on white.
Figure 11 shows white on black contour images for three of the objects in both the glass and metal conditions.
Figure 12 shows black on white contour images for three other objects. Note that the white on black images of glass contours appear vaguely similar to the images produced using the dark field method that is popular in photography, in which objects are illuminated from the top and sides against a black background (see
Todd & Norman 2019). Similarly, the black on white contours appear vaguely similar to images produced using the bright field method, in which objects are illuminated with diffuse light from behind.