Introduction. Although the face aftereffect phenomenon is known for face identity, age and emotion, it is unknown how the diversity of the face training set influences aftereffect formation. Observers saw a homogeneous set of distorted faces (middle-aged Caucasian males) and a diverse set of distorted faces (male and female; Caucasian, Asian, Latino and African American) during adaptation. Evidence of aftereffects was tested. Methods. 33 participants underwent an opposing aftereffects paradigm viewing a set of diverse and a set of Caucasian male faces. Participants viewed manipulated face images in one of two adaptation conditions: 1) the diverse face set with features contracted, and the homogeneous face set with features expanded or 2) the opposite. During pretest, participants viewed 64 face pairs, one contracted by 10% and one expanded by 10% and selected which face they found more attractive. During adaptation, faces were distorted by 60%. Post-adaptation testing was identical to pre-adaptation testing. Results. Using a mean change score (contracted faces selected as more attractive before vs. after adaptation) as the dependent variable, the two adaptation conditions were significantly different (F(1,31)=13.072, p= <.05). Adaptation to the contracted diverse face set led to evidence of aftereffects in the expected directions (t(31)=2.685, p= <0.05), but the significant differences observed after adaptation to the contracted homogeneous face set was opposite of the expect direction for both conditions (t(31)=3.061, p= <0.05). Aftereffects were created only by adapting to the diverse face set, not the homogeneous face set. These results indicate that adapting to the diverse face set after a featural manipulation led to aftereffects for all faces (the diverse and the homogeneous face sets) in the same direction. This result suggests that diversity within a face set influenced aftereffect formation.