In all four experiments, trials with incorrect responses and reaction times (RTs) less than 100 ms or greater than 1500 ms were excluded from the statistical analysis (1.0% of all trials). Mean RTs from Experiments 1 through 4 are shown in
Figure 2.
In Experiment 1, data for the mean RTs were entered into a 2 × 2 repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the two within-subjects factors of cue–probe congruency (congruent vs. incongruent) and BM orientation (upright vs. inverted). Results revealed a significant interaction between cue–probe congruency and BM orientation,
F(1, 23) = 9.300,
p = 0.006, η
p2 = 0.288. Specifically, when upright point-light BM sequences were presented as central cues, a paired
t-test showed that participants responded significantly faster to auditory targets presented in the congruent trials than those in the incongruent trials—391.1 ms vs. 412.3 ms; 95% confidence interval (CI) for mean difference, 10.3–32.0;
t(23) = 4.044;
p < 0.001; Cohen's
d = 0.825; Bayes factor (
10 = 127.979—even when they were explicitly told that the walking direction of BM did not predict the location of the auditory targets. This cross-modal attentional effect, however, disappeared when inverted point-light walkers were used as central cues—391.6 ms vs. 391.1 ms; 95% CI for mean difference, –9.4 to 8.2;
t(23) = –0.139;
p = 0.891; Cohen's
d = 0.028;
BF10 = 0.194—consistent with previous observations from unimodal studies (
Bardi et al., 2015;
Shi et al., 2010). In other words, the attentional orienting triggered by nonpredictive BM cues extended beyond the modality of vision to that of audition and critically depended on the orientation of the BM cues.
To rule out the possibility that the observed cross-modal attentional orienting effect was contributed by the viewpoint information of the point-light figures (e.g., a point-light figure facing left or right) rather than the walking direction information of BM, we employed static point-light figures as central cues in Experiment 2. A paired t-test revealed no significant difference in RTs between auditory probes presented in the facing direction and those in the opposite direction—392.2 ms vs. 393.9 ms; 95% CI for mean difference, –9.0 to 12.4; t(23) = 0.320; p = 0.752; Cohen's d = 0.065; BF10 = 0.278—indicating that static frames with a discernable human figure could not produce cross-modal attentional orienting. Furthermore, to examine if the observed cross-modal attentional effect was indeed triggered by the biological characteristics of the BM signals, we conducted an additional control experiment (Experiment 3) in which nonbiological motion sequences were used as central cues. Again, results showed that the difference between the congruent and the incongruent conditions obtained from upright BM stimuli disappeared—404.4 ms vs. 401.6 ms; 95% CI for mean difference, –10.0 to 4.5; t(23) = –0.786; p = 0.440; Cohen's d = 0.160; BF10 = 0.131—indicating that nonbiological motion sequences, although sharing identical moving trajectories with BM stimuli, could not elicit cross-modal attentional orienting. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that the observed cross-modal attentional effect was essentially triggered by the biological characteristics contained in the motion rather than the form signals.
To further probe the dependence of the observed cross-modal attentional effect on the global configuration of BM signals, we adopted feet motion sequences in Experiment 4. The feet motion sequences consisted of only the two point lights of the ankles representing the walkers’ feet, which obviously had no global configuration. Similar to Experiment 1, a significant interaction of congruency (congruent vs. incongruent) and feet motion orientation (upright vs. inverted) was found,
F(1, 23) = 15.631,
p = 0.001, η
p2 = 0.405. Further analyses revealed that participants performed better in the congruent condition than in the incongruent condition when upright feet motion cues were presented, 359.2 ms vs. 381.6 ms; 95% CI for mean difference, 7.9–36.9;
t(23) = 3.209;
p = 0.004; Cohen's
d = 0.655; BF
10 = 21.512. Moreover, the magnitude of the cross-modal attentional effect induced by feet motion cues (calculated using the difference in the mean RT obtained under the incongruent condition vs. that under the congruent condition divided by their sum,
\(\frac{{{\rm{R}}{{\rm{T}}_{{\rm{incongruent}}}}{\rm{\ }} - {\rm{\ R}}{{\rm{T}}_{{\rm{congruent}}}}{\rm{\ }}}}{{{\rm{R}}{{\rm{T}}_{{\rm{incongruent}}}}{\rm{\ }} + {\rm{\ R}}{{\rm{T}}_{{\rm{congruent}}}}}}\)) was not different from that induced by intact BM cues,
t(46) = –0.241,
p = 0.811, Cohen's
d = 0.070,
BF10 = 0.294. These results suggest that the cross-modal attentional effect did not necessarily rely on the global configuration and could be induced by the local motion signals alone. Intriguingly, when the feet motion cues were shown inverted, the attentional effect was also significant but revealed a reverse pattern—385.4 ms vs. 364.0 ms; 95% CI for mean difference, –35.0 to –7.9;
t(23) = –3.278;
p = 0.003; Cohen's
d = 0.669;
BF10 = 24.812—which is in line with our previous unimodal study (
L. Wang et al., 2014). That is, the performance of the observers was worse when the probe was presented in the motion direction of the inverted feet motion cues (congruent condition) than in the opposite direction (incongruent condition). This pattern of result seems to arise from the translatory (extrinsic) motion in the stance phase that essentially points to the opposite direction of the walking direction (see Methods for more detail). It should be noted that the inversion of the feet motion cues disrupted only the intrinsic biological information contained in the upright feet motion cues (e.g., vertical acceleration due to muscle activity and gravity), whereas the horizontal, translatory motion in the stance phase remained unchanged. In other words, the attentional effect induced by the walking direction of the upright feet motion cues overrode the effect from the translatory motion (which was opposite to the walking direction). Taken together, these findings demonstrated that the walking direction carried by the motion of feet was effective at triggering a cross-modal attentional effect.