A few studies investigated whether individual preferences are shared among different tasks or whether they are independent of one another (
Schütz, 2014;
Wexler, Duyck, & Mamassian, 2015;
Brascamp, Becker, & Hambrick, 2018;
Cao, Wang, Sun, Engel, & He, 2018). Here we set out to compare individual preferences in transparent motion and binocular rivalry. This is interesting because of three reasons. First, although the resulting percept is very different in both cases, the perceptual biases might be related in both cases to the strength of motion representation, and therefore might share the same neural basis. Previous studies suggested that both the perception of transparent motion and of binocular rivalry might involve neural competition at similar levels of the visual pathway, for example the primary visual cortex (V1) (
Andersen & Bradley, 1998;
Tong, Meng, & Blake, 2006). Furthermore, several other studies observed perceptual and behavioral dominance of one of the two motion surfaces in transparent motion (
Lankheet & Verstraten, 1995;
Mestre & Masson, 1997;
Valdes-Sosa, Cobo, & Pinilla, 2000): for example, human observers show larger motion after effects of the attended motion surface compared with the unattended motion surface (
Lankheet & Verstraten, 1995); there is a correlation between the attended motion surface and the direction of the slow-phase in optokinetic nystagmus (
Mestre & Masson, 1997); and it is difficult to rapidly shift attention from one motion surface to the other (
Valdes-Sosa, Cobo, & Pinilla, 2000). These studies suggest that one of the two surfaces in transparent motion is perceptually dominant and that perceptual biases in transparent motion might be related to biases in perceptual dominance in binocular rivalry. Second, several recent studies (
Brascamp, Becker, & Hambrick, 2018;
Cao, Wang, Sun, Engel, & He, 2018;
Steinwurzel, Animali, Cicchini, Morrone, & Binda, 2020) compared the temporal aspects of multistability in binocular rivalry and structure-from-motion (
Wallach & O'Connell, 1953), which is similar to transparent motion. Especially because these studies showed inconsistent evidence about the correlation in percept durations between binocular rivalry and structure-from-motion, we believe it is interesting to compare the two classes of stimuli also with respect to their spatial aspects, that is, their directional biases. Third, a previous study (
Schütz & Mamassian, 2016) showed that directional biases in transparent motion depend on one-dimensional (1D) rather than 2D motion signals. This suggests a neural origin either in the responses of neurons in V1 or in the early responses of neurons in the middle temporal area (MT) because the aperture problem (
Wallach, 1935) is solved only afterward (
Pack & Born, 2001;
Pack, Livingstone, Duffy, & Born, 2003). Because eye rivalry rarely occurs beyond V1 (
Blake, 1989;
Baker & Graf, 2009;
Klink, Brascamp, Blake, & van Wezel, 2010;
Brascamp, Sohn, Lee, & Blake, 2013), comparing directional preferences in binocular rivalry and transparent motion might provide additional constraints on the neural origin of directional preferences. If transparent motion and binocular rivalry show similar directional biases in each individual, this would suggest that the idiosyncratic bias in transparent motion originates from V1. Otherwise, if the two stimuli show dissimilar bias patterns, then the early responses of neurons in MT might be responsible for the directional bias in transparent motion. Consequently, our study would provide new insights about the spatial relationship between transparent motion and binocular rivalry and allow us to further narrow down the neural origin of perceptual biases in the two phenomena.