The authors thank Soodeh Nilforoushan for annotating the videos. S.K., H.A.M., and R.L. were partially supported by the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF), Grant No. 96016530. Lauri Oksama was supported by the Academy of Finland (project number 325693).
Commercial relationships: none.
Corresponding authors: Hamid Abrishami Moghaddam1; Reza Lashgari2; and Jukka Hyönä3.
Address: 1Machine Vision and Medical Image Processing Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, No. 1346, Valiasr Street, Mirdamad Intersection, Tehran, Iran; 2Institute of Medical Science and Technology, Shahid Beheshti University, Shahid Shahriari Square, Daneshjou Boulevard, Shahid Chamran Highway, Tehran, Iran; 3Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Assistentinkatu 7, FI-20014 Turku, Finland.
The results are very similar when the proportion of correctly tracked targets was used as the measure of accuracy.