Binocular viewing is superior to monocular viewing based on a variety of visual performance measures, including luminance increment thresholds, contrast sensitivity, flicker fusion thresholds, visual acuity, and reaction times (see for reviews:
Blake & Fox, 1973;
Blake, Sloane, & Fox, 1981). This advantage is called binocular summation. Previous studies have shown that binocular summation depends on various parameters involved in stereopsis. Whereas binocular contrast sensitivity is approximately 1.5 times higher than monocular sensitivity for observers with normal stereopsis (
Campbell & Green, 1965;
Legge, 1984;
Meese, Georgeson, & Baker, 2006), stereoblind observers have similar contrast sensitivity between binocular and monocular viewing conditions (
Lema & Blake, 1977).
Thorn and Boynton (1974) and
Westendorf and Fox (1977) found that binocular summation in detection thresholds for luminance contrast fell to the level of probability summation, that is, the ratio between the binocular and monocular sensitivities was approximately 1.2 when stimuli had too large of a binocular disparity to yield single vision. Moreover,
Rose, Blake, and Halpern (1988) reported that the binocular summation exceeded the probability summation even in disparity ranges over which stereoscopic depth perception occurred without a fused single percept, suggesting that a mechanism for stereopsis underlies the binocular summation for luminance contrast as well. Whereas these studies typically focus on near-threshold perception, less attention has been paid to the relationship between stereopsis and binocular summation above the contrast threshold.
A number of studies have conducted suprathreshold matching experiments to examine how signals contained in two monocular images are combined to form a single percept. In terms of brightness matching,
Levelt (1965) demonstrated that the binocular effective luminance basically equaled the average luminance of two monocular stimuli, but that the luminance in one eye, especially in the dominant eye, almost determined the effective luminance without binocular averaging (winner take all) when the luminance in the other eye was much smaller. However, the binocular effective luminance always followed the winner take all rule when dark disks were presented on a light background and when light or dark disks were presented on a gray background (
Anstis & Ho, 1998;
Ding & Levi, 2017).
Legge and Rubin (1981) reported trends similar to those observed by
Levelt (1965) in the appearance of the suprathreshold luminance contrast, although the latter studies suggested that the winner take all rule is a closer description of contrast matching for dichoptic stimuli (
Baker, Wallis, Georgeson, & Meese, 2012;
Ding, Klein, & Levi, 2013).
Huang, Zhou, Zhou, and Lu (2010) manipulated the vertical phase shift between two horizontal gratings presented dichoptically, and found that the matched contrast, namely the luminance contrast of a reference stimulus that was judged to have the same contrast as that of the stimulus in question, was invariant irrespective of the interocular phase shift.
Baker et al. (2012) extended the above study by
Huang et al. (2010) within a wider range of contrasts and phase shifts. High contrast stimuli (16%–32% Michelson contrast) appeared to have slightly higher contrasts at middle phase shifts (around 90 degrees), whereas the stimulus appeared more veridical at in-phase (around 0 degrees) and antiphase (around 180 degrees) shifts. In addition, low-contrast stimuli (2%–4% Michelson contrast) appeared to have monotonically reduced contrasts as the interocular phase shift increased. Based on these results,
Baker et al. (2012) proposed a model of phase-dependent interocular suppression followed by a summation of excitatory signals over the eyes, phases, and space. These suprathreshold matching experiments deliberately tested the situation where stimuli had no horizontal disparity, because their research focused on how the visual system combines information from corresponding retinal points in the two eyes.
Harwerth, Smith, and Levi (1980) reported that simple reaction times for suprathreshold grating patterns were shorter under binocular viewing than under monocular viewing at low luminance contrasts (around 1%–10% Michelson contrast). Additionally, this binocular advantage disappeared when dichoptic stimuli were presented to noncorresponding retinal points. This suggests that stimulation at corresponding retinal points is essential for suprathreshold binocular summation to improve reaction time. It should be noted, however, that stimulus positions were vertically displaced to exclude the effects of stereopsis. Thus, it remains unclear how the appearance of the luminance contrast interacts with the horizontal displacement.
Legge and Rubin (1981) mentioned that binocular contrast matches seemed unlikely to change with disparity (see their note 3). This could be valid in their experiment wherein full-field grating patterns were presented as stimuli; however, whether this is also the case for more localized stimulations remains to be tested. Therefore, in the present study, we examined luminance contrast perception in a situation wherein stimuli elicit stereoscopic perceptions while they are locally presented at noncorresponding retinal points displaced horizontally.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the state of stereopsis derived from horizontal disparities in suprathreshold binocular stimuli influences the perceptual impression of luminance modulation seen in the cyclopean percept, hereafter termed “perceived contrast” for the sake of simplicity. To address this issue, we varied binocular horizontal disparities to determine the luminance contrast of stereoscopic stimuli at the perceptual match to a certain fixed contrast, hereafter called “standard contrast” owned by a reference stimulus. If binocular summations of contrast and stereopsis share the same mechanism, or more specifically, monocular contrast responses to stereoscopic patterns are summed in a local stereopsis mechanism, the matched contrast would be constant regardless of disparity as long as stereoscopic perception occurs. If, instead, binocular summation of contrast occurs independent of the stereopsis processing and requires stimulation at corresponding retinal points in the two eyes, the perceived contrast would become lower, and the matched contrast would therefore become higher as the disparity increases. Furthermore, it is also possible that the matched contrast lowers even more with increasing disparity. Stereoscopically disparate stimuli are projected onto noncorresponding retinal points in the two eyes. As such, if interocular suppression involves a retinotopically local process, stereoscopically disparate stimuli would elicit somewhat weaker suppression than stimuli projected to corresponding retinal points. This could result in an increase in perceived contrast and, therefore, a decrease in matched contrast.