A model comparison revealed that this interaction model, Akaike information criterion = 17686.45, was preferable to a model where the interaction term was not included, Akaike information criterion = 17693.75. Furthermore, the interaction model of this logistic regression was significant,
χ2(3) = 22.28,
p < .001. A significant interaction between validity of the cue and time delay was also observed,
β = 0.12, 95% CI 0.04–0.19,
z = 3.07,
p = 0.002, indicating that the probability of reporting having chosen the red circle as a function of the delay (i.e., postdictive effect) differed between two different validity conditions. In an attempt to further explain this interaction effect, we ran logistic regressions for the valid and invalid conditions (
Figure 4). In the valid condition, the rate of choosing the red circle increased significantly as the time delay decreased,
β = −0.10, 95% CI –0.16 to –0.04,
z = −3.31,
p = 0.001, model
χ2(1) = 10.98,
p < .001, indicating that the postdictive effect of choice was obtained. Whereas in the invalid condition, there was almost no postdictive effect,
β = .01, 95% CI –0.05 to 0.07,
z = 0.45,
p = 0.651, model χ
2(1) = 0.21,
p = 0.651. Bayesian analysis confirmed the absence of a postdictive effect in the invalid condition, BF
10 = 0.0003.