For each observer,
Experiment 2 included one block that copied the report method of
Experiment 1 (but that had two additional stimulus conditions; see Methods), and we report results of that experiment block first. None of the observers made an error reporting disappearances on more than one of the 9 control trials, so all 12 observers were included in the final analysis. As in
Experiment 1, we found that the proportion of trials in which a perceptual disappearance occurred was indistinguishable between the shared motion condition (proportion = 0.40) and the shared motion; close condition (proportion = 0.38; two-tailed paired
t-test; t(11) = 0.41;
P = 0.69), confirming that any differences in this measure between the shared motion condition and the different motion condition are unrelated to the slight difference in inter-element distance between those conditions (see
Experiment 1). We also verified that disappearances again occurred very infrequently in the different motion; binocular condition, which had no interocular conflict (proportion of trials: 0.07), confirming that interocular conflict is a major contributor to perceptual suppression in our study.
Leaving out the shared motion; close condition and the different motion; binocular condition, then,
Figure 5 shows the results of the six conditions that together form a factorial design with two factors: motion (different or shared between crosses and pluses) and ocularity (crosses and plusses each confined to a different eye, each distributed across eyes, or all shown to the same eye). A two-factor repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant effect of motion (F(1,11) = 22.0;
P = 0.0007) as well as ocularity (F(2,22) = 10.2;
P = 0.0007) but no interaction (F(2,22) = 1.6;
P = 0.22). Pairwise comparisons showed that disappearances were more frequent for each different motion condition than for its shared motion counterpart (two-tailed paired
t-test; different motion vs. shared motion: t(11) = 3.7;
P = 0.003; different motion; split vs. shared motion; split: t(11) = 3.9;
P = 0.002; different motion; monocular vs. shared motion; monocular: t(11) = 2.8;
P = 0.02). The main effect of ocularity was due to a relatively low frequency of disappearances in the monocular conditions as compared with the dichoptic conditions (two-tailed paired
t-test; different motion vs. different motion; monocular: t(11) = 3.5;
P = 0.005; shared motion vs. shared motion; monocular: t(11) = 4.4;
P = 0.001). These results closely resemble the results of
Experiment 1, and reinforce its conclusion that global surface-level conflict (the motion factor) and local interocular feature conflict (the ocularity factor) both contribute to perceptual suppression.
The only point at which the results of the
Experiments 1 and
2 diverge is with regard to the split conditions: in contrast to
Experiment 1, we now find no increase of perceptual suppression when distributing grid elements of a given kind (i.e. crosses or plusses) between the two eyes as opposed to segregating them by eye (two-tailed paired
t-test; different motion vs. different motion; split: t(11) = 1.2;
P = 0.26; shared motion vs. shared motion; split: t(11) = 0.13;
P = 0.90). This could be a matter of statistical power because the numerical trend is in the same direction as it was in
Experiment 1, with numerically more disappearances in the split conditions.
During the second block of
Experiment 2, as soon as any display element was reported to perceptually disappear, this terminated the trial and observers then reported whether the disappearance involved only a single grid element, multiple grid elements of the same kind (i.e. either crosses or plusses), or multiple grid elements including both kinds. To reiterate our hypothesis: if surface-level mechanisms contribute to perceptual suppression in the different motion conditions (which invite a perceptual organization in which a surface made of plusses overlaps with one made of crosses), then perceptual disappearances in those conditions might specifically involve simultaneous disappearance of multiple grid elements of the same kind. In the shared motion conditions, on the other hand, a dominant contribution of local, feature-based conflict might lead specifically to disappearances of single grid elements at a time.
Figure 6 shows the results for the same six conditions as shown in
Figure 5. For each condition, the plot displays the proportions of trials where each of the three response options was selected (one grid element, multiple elements of a single kind, or multiple elements including both kinds). Some observers reported no disappearances at all for some conditions, so the relative proportions of the three kinds of disappearances were not always defined (see caption of
Figure 6 for details). This means that our design contained missing cells, and we centered our statistical testing around linear mixed-effects models instead of repeated measures ANOVAs. Specifically, we implemented random intercept models with observer as the random effect (using
lmer function from the
lme4 package;
Bates et al., 2015) and tested for significance by performing likelihood ratio tests between full and reduced models (using
lme4’s ANOVA function).
A model with factors motion (two levels) and ocularity (three levels), and as its dependent variable the proportion of trials where only a single element disappeared (darkest bars in
Figure 6), showed a significant effect of ocularity (χ
2(2) = 6.3;
P = 0.04) but none of motion (χ
2(1) = 2.6;
P = 0.11), nor a significant interaction (χ
2(2) = 3.5;
P = 0.17). The effect of ocularity was mainly due to the fact that single-element disappearances were more common if all 18 grid elements were shown to the same eye (in the monocular conditions) than if elements of a given type were distributed between eyes (in the split conditions). In particular, limiting the levels of the ocularity factor to only monocular and split yields a significant effect of ocularity (χ
2(1) = 8.1;
P = 0.005), but limiting it to either of the other pairs does not.
Examining the proportions of trials where multiple elements of the same kind disappeared simultaneously (intermediate-shaded bars in
Figure 6), the full model with factors motion (two levels) and ocularity (three levels) showed a significant effect of motion (χ
2(1) = 9.4;
P = 0.002) but none of ocularity (χ
2(2) = 2.3;
P = 0.32), nor a significant interaction (χ
2(2) = 5.2;
P = 0.07). The effect of motion primarily reflects the fact that trials where multiple elements of the same kind disappeared simultaneously were quite common (the majority, in fact) in the different motion condition but not in the shared motion condition. In particular, a single-factor model that compares the different motion and shared motion conditions yield a significant difference (χ
2(1) = 11.8;
P = 0.0006). Such a difference is not observed when comparing either the two monocular conditions (χ
2(1) = 0.21;
P = 0.65) or the two split conditions (χ
2(1) = 1.8;
P = 0.18), even though the numerical trends for those conditions are in the same direction. These findings are consistent with our hypothesis that surface-based mechanisms play a role in perceptual suppression when the crosses move out of sync with the plusses, leading multiple elements that contribute to the same surface to perceptually disappear at the same time.
Examining the proportions of trials where multiple elements of different kinds disappeared simultaneously (lightest-shaded bars in
Figure 6), the full model with factors motion and ocularity showed no significant effects (motion: χ
2(1) = 1.2;
P = 0.26; ocularity: χ
2(2) = 5.1;
P = 0.08; interaction: χ
2(2) = 0.01;
P = 0.99), even though there is a numerical trend across all ocularity conditions for the shared motion conditions to have a higher proportion of this type of disappearances than the different motion conditions.