Data analysis was performed with Matlab (MathWorks Inc, Natick, MA) using the CircStat toolbox for circular statistics (
Berens, 2009), and R (
R Core Team, 2019). Reaction time data was recorded and used to eliminate trials in which participants took longer than 2 standard deviations from their own average RT (0.15%–0.45% of the data). The relative orientation between test patches was quantified as the circular distance between the current and previous test patch orientations. Performance was quantified by the probability of responding “oddball present” for different relative orientations. The individual raw data was smoothed by calculating running averages across windows of relative orientations in each condition (oddball, non-oddball). Each averaging window was 22.5° wide and successive windows were stepped by 1°, starting at a −90° relative orientation. The mean number of trials for each averaging window per participant is illustrated in
Figures 3 and
4 (bottom). Grand averages were calculated on the smoothed individual data. Significance was assessed with permutation tests, in which the x-labels (relative orientation) were shuffled for 1000 iterations and the mean and 95% confidence intervals calculated on the resulting distribution. This process approximates a null distribution of no SD that has the same response bias (height) as the empirical data. First derivatives of Gaussians (DoG) further quantified the data. The DoG is given by
y =
h + (
x +
awce – (
x +
2, where
x is the relative orientation between successive test patches,
a the amplitude of the curve,
w its width,
h its height,
b the intercept, and
c the constant √2/e
−0.5. Fits were constrained to have positive
a and
w parameters, meaning that the DoG decreased then increased (and not the other way around). These parameters were constrained in this way because a negative-then-positive inflection of the DoG corresponds to a specific hypothesis about the way in which performance and relative orientation should covary.