rANOVAs revealed a significant main effect of the type of rotation for the three vection indices: latency,
F(1, 15) = 16.49,
p = 0.001, η
2p = 0.52; duration,
F(1, 15) = 21.49,
p < 0.001, η
2p = 0.59; strength estimate,
F(1, 15) = 13.80,
p = 0.002, η
2p = 0.48. The main effect of the rotational speed did not reach the minimum significance level for any vection index: latency,
F(1, 15) = 0.23,
p = 0.67, η
2p = 0.015; duration,
F(1, 15) = 3.40,
p = 0.085, η
2p = 0.18; strength estimate,
F(1, 15) = 1.62,
p = 0.22, η
2p = 0.098. In addition, there was no significant interaction between the type of rotation and rotational speed: latency,
F(1, 15) = 1.02,
p = 0.33, η
2p = 0.064; duration,
F(1, 15) = 0.32,
p = 0.58, η
2p = 0.021; strength estimate,
F(1, 15) = 1.44,
p = 0.25, η
2p = 0.088.
Figure 2 shows vection strength indices averaged across participants under each stimulus condition (a, vection onset latency; b, accumulated vection duration; c, vection strength estimate). Latency was shorter, duration was longer, and the strength estimate was higher in the luminance-defined rotation condition than in the orientation-defined rotation condition. Thus, the three vection indices consistently indicate that vection induced by the visual stimulus with luminance-defined rotation was significantly stronger than that induced by orientation-defined rotation. On the other hand, vection with significant strength was still induced even by orientation-defined rotation, although it was weaker than that induced by luminance-defined rotation; the duration and strength estimates in the orientation-defined rotation condition were roughly half those in the luminance-defined rotation condition. Therefore, it can be concluded that fractal rotation, which was tested as a potential vection inducer in this experiment, can evoke an observer’s visually induced self-rotation perception with substantial strength, even though it contains no luminance correlation between the frames. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that second-order motion (feature-defined motion) can induce vection with strength comparable to the case where first-order motion (luminance-defined motion) was employed as a vection inducer.
Figure 2d shows the averaged results of the smoothness evaluation under each stimulus condition. rANOVA revealed significant main effects of rotation type,
F(1, 15) = 78.62,
p < 0.001, η
2p = 0.84, and rotational speed,
F(1, 15) = 5.63,
p = 0.03, η
2p = 0.27. The luminance-defined rotation was evaluated as being smoother than the orientation-defined rotation, and the smoothness evaluation in the faster rotation condition was higher than in the slower rotation condition. There was no significant interaction between the two main effects:
F(1, 15) = 0.44,
p = 0.52, η
2p = 0.029. As seen in the Supplementary Movies, the orientation-defined rotation employed in this experiment inevitably gave the observers a “flickering” impression that might have resulted in lower perceived smoothness, which would be one of the reasons why orientation-defined rotation only induced weaker vection than luminance-defined rotation. This is plausible because previous vection studies have shown that vection strength varies as a function of the perceived smoothness of the visual inducer; degraded visual smoothness impairs perceived self-motion (e.g.,
Nakamura, 2013a).
Nakamura (2013b) also showed that roll vection was severely impaired when the visual inducer was less smooth and confirmed that roll vection was more frangible against the degraded smoothness of the visual inducer than other types of vection. The smoothness perception, however, cannot be a primary factor in determining vection strength in this experiment because there was a discrepancy in the effects of the speed of the rotation between vection strength and smoothness perception.
Experiment 1 failed to find significant effects of the rotational speed of the visual inducer. This might be inconsistent with previous vection studies that showed that vection strength increased linearly with the inducer's speed (e.g.,
Sauvan & Bonnet, 1993;
Sauvan & Bonnet, 1995;
Nakamura & Shimojo, 1999). In this experiment, the rotational speed was manipulated at only two levels (30°/s and 60°/s), which might be insufficient to detect a significant effect of the speed on vection strength.