In Experiment 2, we used an eyepatch to perform the monocular conditions. It is well known that short-term monocular deprivations have an effect on visual processing (
Lunghi, Burr, & Morrone, 2011,
Lunghi et al., 2015;
Serrano-Pedraza et al., 2015;
Wang, McGraw, & Ledgeway, 2020;
Zhou et al., 2015). In those studies, they usually occlude one eye using a patch for 2.5 hr, and in our Experiment 2, we occluded the eye for 2 min (that was the time needed to obtain two thresholds in each session). However, in a recent study using shorter deprivation periods of 3 to 6 min,
Han et al. (2020) found that the deprived eye changed from spatial surround suppression before deprivation to surround facilitation afterward; no binocular conditions were tested. This raises the question of whether the lower suppression index we found in the monocular condition might reflect a similar process, with the monocular results being affected by a shift toward facilitation. We think this is unlikely for two reasons. First, in Experiment 1, using a mirror stereoscope, we randomly interleaved left-eye and right-eye trials, so neither eye was deprived. We still obtained a significant effect of viewing condition, just as in Experiment 2, in which one eye was deprived for 2 min with a patch. Second, in Experiment 2, we allowed a recovery period of 3 min in between monocular sessions.
Han et al. (2020) found their effect immediately after deprivation, while
Kim et al. (2017) found that the effect of a 15-min deprivation had largely decayed back to baseline after 5 min of recovery. Nevertheless, we examined our data to see if we could detect any effect attributable to previous deprivation rather than monocular viewing per se. In Experiment 2, we interleaved monocular and binocular conditions when measuring the total of 18 thresholds, so we cannot use the final thresholds to examine any effect of temporal order. In 8 out of our 31 participants, the first monocular run happened to be in the right eye and followed immediately by a run in the left eye (each run consisting of interleaved staircases measuring thresholds for large and small stimuli). This means that the right-eye measurement was in an undeprived eye, while the left-eye measurement was in an eye that had been deprived for 2 min. We can therefore use these first threshold measurements to look for an effect of deprivation. If deprivation had altered surround suppression, we should see a difference between thresholds in the two eyes. In fact, repeated-measures
t test showed no significant differences for either small or large stimuli (right-eye small vs. left-eye small,
t(7) = 0.303,
p = 0.771; right-eye large vs. left-eye large,
t(7) = –0.058,
p = 0.955). In another recent study,
Kim, Kim, and Blake (2017) show that “depriving” an eye of input for 15 min via continuous flash suppression (CFS) temporarily imbalances ocular dominance in a similar way to that obtained by physical patching for 15 min. The effect found using CFS means that there is no need to use a patch to create an imbalance in ocular dominance, and that could be applicable to our Experiment 1. However, once again, the way we obtained the thresholds interleaving eyes and sizes in the same session (i.e., interleaving randomly the trials of each staircase, so in each trial during the monocular session, the left or right eye could be stimulated with a small or large stimulus) means that there is no monocular deprivation during the testing, and therefore our results cannot be explained by an imbalance in ocular dominance.