The average correct rates for the counting task when attending to the brighter disk and the darker disk were 97.9% (standard deviation was 3.2%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%) and 97.2% (standard deviation was 3.1%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%), 99.3% (standard deviation was 1.6%, the lowest correct rate was 95.8%) and 96.5% (standard deviation was 3.7%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%), 97.2% (standard deviation was 3.1%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%) and 97.9% (standard deviation was 3.2%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%), and 98.6% (standard deviation was 3.1%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%) and 95.8% (standard deviation was 3.4%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%) for Experiments 3a-1, 3a-2, 3b-1, and 3b-2, respectively. The average correct rates for the matching task when attending to two disks was 93.8% (standard deviation was 6.7%, the lowest correct rate was 83.3%), 99.3% (standard deviation was 1.6%, the lowest correct rate was 95.8%), 97.9% (standard deviation was 3.2%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%), and 96.5% (standard deviation was 2.9%, the lowest correct rate was 91.7%) for Experiments 3a-1, 3a-2, 3b-1, and 3b-2, respectively. The excluding rates of data were 4.4% (standard deviation was 1.7%, the highest excluding rate was 6.9%), 3.2% (standard deviation was 1.7%, the highest excluding rate was 6.9%), 3.2% (standard deviation was 1.3%, the highest excluding rate was 5.6%), and 4.4% (standard deviation was 2.9%, the highest excluding rate was 8.3%) for Experiments 3a-1, 3a-2, 3b-1, and 3b-2, respectively.
The results of pupillary responses for three attentional states are depicted separately in
Figure 4, wherein the abscissa represents the time, and the ordinate represents the pupil size change averaged across six participants. The pupillary responses for three attentional states are plotted in different colors and types of symbols and lines. We first conducted a one-way repeated ANOVA with attentional states regarded as the within-subject factor for each time bin separately. Then, post hoc multiple comparisons (Tukey's test) were conducted for each time bin separately. Below the results of the pupillary response in the figure, the statistical results for the data of the corresponding time on the abscissa are tabulated. The three rows from top to bottom represent the comparison between two of the three attentional states. The symbols of one asterisk and two asterisks indicate that the difference in results reached a significance level of 5% and 1%, respectively.
Figure 4a (Experiment 3a-1) shows the pupillary response to the same disks used in
Experiment 1 with a brighter background. We found that the pupillary response when attending to two disks was significantly larger than when attending to the brighter disk. However, the pupillary response from 1.75 seconds when attending to the darker disk was not significantly larger than when attending to the brighter disk. We speculated that the small pupillary baseline caused by the high luminance of the background made the pupillary constriction less obvious, leading to a nonsignificant difference between pupillary responses when attending to the brighter and darker disks. The pupillary response when attending to two disks was not affected by the small pupillary baseline, suggesting that it was a pupillary response based on a mechanism different from the pupillary response when attending to the darker disk. In other words, this response would not be the attentional modulation in PLR.
Figure 4b (Experiment 3a-2) shows the pupillary response to the same disks used in Experiment 1 with a darker background. We found that the pupillary response from 0.75 to 1.25 seconds when attending to two disks was significantly smaller than when attending to the darker disk, and the pupillary response from 1.5 to 2.25 seconds when attending to two disks was significantly larger than when attending to the brighter disk. We speculated that the high contrast of the brighter disk (the Weber contrast of 4) as compared to the low contrast of the darker disk (the Weber contrast of −1) attracted participants’ attention more right after stimulus onset, even if they were instructed to attend to two disks. As a result, the transient period of pupillary response when attending to two disks could be comparable to that when attending to the brighter disk. Thereafter, participants divided their attention endogenously and had a larger pupillary response, as in the cases of
Experiments 1 and 3a-1.
Figure 4c (Experiment 3b-1) shows the pupillary response to the stimulus with reduced luminance difference between the two disks relative to those of
Experiment 1. Also, the luminance of the two disks was brighter than that of the background. We found that the pupillary response from 2 to 2.75 seconds when attending to two disks was significantly larger than when attending to the brighter disk. Additionally, the pupillary response when attending to the darker disk was significantly larger than when attending to the brighter disk.
Figure 4d (Experiment 3b-2) shows the pupillary response to the stimulus with reduced luminance difference between the two disks relative to those of
Experiment 1. Also, the luminance of the two disks was darker than that of the background. We found that there was no significant difference among the three pupillary responses. We speculated that the results were caused by the asymmetry of the attentional modulation in luminance reported by
Binda et al. (2013,
2014). They reported that the pupillary response when attending to a bright disk was smaller than when attending to a slight bright disk, whereas the pupillary response when attending to a dark disk was comparable to that when attending to a slight dark disk. This asymmetry is similar to the results in Experiment 3b.