With the above assumptions, we determined the four model parameters (ξ
o, ξ
m, ξ
s, ξ
i) by a best fit to the 16 data points in
Figure 6d using a least squares procedure with 1,000 Monte Carlo simulations of the different sources of noise. The reduced χ
2 of the model fit was 0.8, indicating that it can explain the high predictive power of ocular-tracking over manual-control performance on hit rate that increases with experience level (see
Figure 6d). With the same fitted parameters, the model also independently quantitatively reproduces the observed significant correlation between ocular-tracking and manual-control performance indices in baseball players (mean and 95% confidence intervals of Pearson's
r: 0.43 [0.17, 0.65]; see
Figure 4c). Last, the model can also explain the observed insignificant correlation in nonathletes shown in
Figure 4c simply by fitting a new value of η
m to the nonathlete data to capture the fact that nonathletes in general have higher manual motor system output noise (η
m = 8.37 × η
v) than do baseball players (η
m = 2.06 ×
ηv), with all other parameters remaining the same. The higher η
m in nonathletes then dominates over η
v to conceal any correlation. The lower η
m in baseball players is presumably due to selection and training. Note that although this simple linear additive-noise cascade model with no nonlinearities or interactions explains our data well, we do not rule out the possibility that a more complex model with added nonlinear features, interactions, or nonindependent or multiplicative noise sources might fit our data better (at the expense of added complexity). What our model simulations capture is the fact that the data of this study can be successfully accounted for when ocular tracking, manual control, and baseball batting depend on significant shared noise in upstream visual processing of motion signals.