The experimental task was designed to assess the observer's perceived 3D motion direction. Observers were asked to keep their head position stationary, but because a chin rest was not used, head position tended to drift slightly during a trial. Depending on the experimental condition, the visual display did or did not update according to head position. Observers indicated the direction of the target's trajectory using a “3D Pong” response paradigm (
Fulvio et al., 2015;
Fulvio & Rokers, 2017). After the target disappeared, a 3D rectangular block (“paddle”) appeared (0.5 cm × 1 cm × 0.5 cm in Experiment 1 and 1.33 cm × 2.67 cm × 1.33 cm in Experiment 2). The paddle was textured with a 1/f noise pattern to provide a fine-grained binocular disparity signal. The paddle was located along an invisible “orbit” about the fixation point in the x-z plane that spanned the edge of the aperture within the planar surface. Observers used the left and right arrow keys to move the paddle around an invisible orbit (recall
Figure 1, “Percept” panel) to the location that would have intercepted the target had it continued along its trajectory. Observers were instructed to take their time and ensure the accuracy of the location of their response. Observers were not required to fixate during the paddle adjustment. When satisfied with the paddle setting, observers pressed the spacebar. Response feedback was then initiated—the target reappeared at its last visible location and continued along its trajectory. If the target hit the paddle, observers heard a sound indicating a hit (“cowbell”); otherwise, observers heard a sound indicating a miss (“swish”). Observers then resumed fixation and pressed the up-arrow key to begin the next trial.
In Experiment 1, three head-tracking conditions were tested: on, off, and lagged. In the off condition, the visual display did not update according to head motion—as the observer moved, the entire 3D scene moved with them, as if the scene was yoked to the head. In the on condition, the 3D scene updated immediately in response to head motion. In the lagged condition, the 3D scene updated in response to head movement with a random delay chosen uniformly from 0 to 38 additional image frames on each trial. All observers completed the on, off, and lagged conditions in a randomized, counterbalanced order.
In Experiment 2, we further investigated the impact of small but constant, head tracking lag. Observers completed the task in four blocks. In three blocks, a constant lag was added: 0, 1, or 2 image frames. In the fourth block (“mixed”), lags were randomly chosen from those used in the other three blocks with equal frequency. All observers completed the four blocks in a randomized, counterbalanced order.
Observers carried out 10 to 15 practice trials in the presence of the experimenter with head-tracking turned on to become familiar with the task. Observers then completed all experimental conditions in a single session. Feedback was provided on all trials. To prevent prolonged use of the virtual reality (VR) headset and ensure comfort throughout the session, observers completed 360 experimental trials in three 120-trial blocks (Experiment 1) or four 90-trial blocks (Experiment 2) with short breaks in between.