Eye movement calibrations were evaluated for accuracy at the beginning and end of the task. A median of 10 points were tested both before and after the task: owing to problems with the calibration/validation target sometimes being outside the scene camera field of view, the number of points available ranged from 3 to 15. For each validation point, an annotator paused the video when the eye fixated and marked the horizontal and vertical coordinates of both the eye gaze cursor and the validation point. The median accuracy (Euclidean distance between the target and point of gaze cursor) was calculated across the points per individual. The pretrial average median error across included subjects (see inclusion discussion elsewhere in this article) was M = 1.8° (SD = 1.1°; range, 0.3°–4.3°). The post-trial average median error was M = 2.9° (SD = 1.9°; range, 0.6°–6.3°). Three participants had post-trial errors of greater than 5°, but our inclusion threshold used the pre- and posterror average, which was less than 5°.
LAFs were annotated using CinePlay software by marking the begin and end time of the fixation(s), the current ongoing task and the target of the fixation(s). Note, a participant may make several consecutive fixations on the same object, interspersed with small eye movements. Such consecutive fixations were grouped together and treated as a single LAF. In other words, an LAF is recorded as any set of one or more consecutive fixations on an object. In the event of multiple fixations, the begin time marks the beginning of the first fixation and the end time marks the end of the last fixation. When the participant returned later to interact with that object, the time when the participant touched the object was recorded and the time when the guiding fixation began. Note, if an LAF is made and the object is subsequently touched multiple times, the latency is computed from the end of the fixation to only the most immediate future timepoint when the object is touched; that is, one LAF can be associated with one future touch event.
The annotation for the ongoing task followed the labelling convention for subtasks. Possible LAF targets included the vent cover, tent top, tent corner, tent bag, tent, support tab, support bag, support, stake bag, stake, instruction, and guyline. Instructions are special in that reading can take place with or without picking up the instructions, but participants may also look ahead to them to get position or orientation information. To exclude moments of obvious reading, we only coded single fixation instances to the instructions; series of fixations were excluded owing the confound with reading. Fixations on the tent categories were judged liberally, that is, fixations generally near the tent corner (within approximately 3°) were labelled “corner,” and fixations near the tent top were labelled “tent top.” Any other fixations on the tent were simply labelled “tent.” During initial phases of assembly, the guylines are usually on top of the tent in a rather messy fashion, sometimes leading to ambiguity on whether a fixation was on the guyline or tent itself. Similarly, we used a liberal criterion where fixations with approximately 3° were marked as on the guyline as well as taking into account recent history, that is, a series of fixations on the guyline with one slightly off the guyline would be marked together as one look ahead segment. Similarly, a liberal classification approach was taken to when a LAF interval was complete; for instance, a LAF to the tent corner was ended by any touch made near the corner, regardless of whether the participant then inserted the support, staked the corner, or simply moved the tent. We annotated LAF data as objectively as possible by relating fixated objects to the tasks where they were manipulated manually. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that some LAFs were associated with the wrong task (e.g., some LAFs could have been gathering information for immediate use in navigation or another behavior we had not considered).