We have found a significant influence of the experience on CG for both parameters of the model, as well as the satisfaction and the time to completion. The art experience was only significant for the parameter alpha. For the \(contrast\), users with less CG experience in general matched lower values than users with intermediate or professional experience (F(3, 233) = 4.397, p = 0.005). For the spreading of the specular reflection \(\alpha\), both for CG experience (F(3, 233) = 370.456, p < 0.001) and art experience (F(2, 233) = 4.740, p = 0.01), users with less experience tended to match to higher values. For the satisfaction and time to complete the match, users with less CG experience tended to be less satisfied with their results (F(3, 233) = 10.198, p < 0.001) but also spent less time performing the matching (F(3, 233) = 13.808, p < 0.001).