We simulated the behavioral estimates of the two model observers in two experiments. The simulations of Experiment 1 used a single orientation stimulus θ, whereas for Experiment 2 we randomly drew orientations from a uniform orientation distribution (from 0 to 180°). We assumed that the across-trial variance
\(\sigma _{\rm{m}}^2\) in the observer's measurements
m arose because of sources both internal and external to the observer (see also above):
{\sigma _{\rm{m}}^2 = \sigma _{{\rm{int}}}^2 + \sigma _{{\rm{ext}}}^2 + \sigma _{{\rm{baseline}}}^2}
\(\sigma _{{\rm{baseline}}}^2\) is a baseline parameter to account for downstream sources of noise. We assume that the observer optimally integrates the measurements of
k individual stimulus elements to calculate the most likely mean stimulus value, so that behavioral variability due to external noise alone is given by
\(\sigma _{{\rm{ext}}}^2 = \;\sigma _e^2/k\). In line with the actual experimental parameters (see
Experimental Design), we set σ
e to 120 linearly spaced values from 0.5° to 16° for our simulations of Experiment 1 (
Figures 2a–b and 2e–f), and to 0.5° for Experiment 2 (
Figures 4a–b). Similarly, we assumed that
\(\sigma _{{\rm{int}}}^2 = \;\sigma _i^2/k\), with internal noise σ
i set to 6°, or either low, medium or high (i.e., 4°, 6°, and 8°) for our simulations of Experiment 1 (
Figures 2a–b, and
2e–f, respectively). We used
\(k = \sqrt n = 6\) in our simulations, as human observers typically pool across approximately the square root of the
n stimulus elements for their decisions (
Dakin, 2001;
Moerel, Ling, & Jehee, 2016;
Whitney & Yamanashi Leib, 2018). However, using a different value of
k does not qualitatively change any of our predictions (
Supplementary Figure S3). For the simulations of Experiment 2 (
Figures 4a–b), internal noise was dependent on stimulus orientation, with smaller levels of noise for cardinal than oblique orientations:
\begin{equation}\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\sigma _i}\left( \theta \right) = \alpha \;\left| {{\rm{sin}}\left( {2\theta } \right)} \right| + \;\beta } \end{array}\end{equation}
where θ is the presented orientation in radians (where horizontal is θ = 0 rad), α = 7 is an amplitude parameter, and β = 1 implements the baseline at cardinal orientations. This pattern of internal noise models the well-known oblique effect in orientation perception (
Appelle, 1972;
Girshick et al., 2011;
Tomassini et al., 2010). To illustrate the relationship between internal noise and confidence and behavioral variability (
Figs. 2c, d), σ
i was set to 120 linearly spaced values between 0.5° and 16°, and σ
e was 6°. For all simulations, we added a constant baseline of
\(\sigma _{{\rm{baseline}}}^2 = {4^2}\) (
Equation 17 ); note that this parameter does not affect the overall pattern of effects in the simulated data. For both model observers, the reported stimulus orientation (i.e. their behavioral estimate) was obtained using
Equation 11 and taking the (circular) mean of the distribution, as outlined above. Confidence estimates were obtained using
Equations 12 and
16, for the Bayesian and Heuristics model observer, respectively. For each model observer, confidence values were normalized across experiments to lie in between 0 (minimum confidence) and 1 (maximum confidence).