Although the power of visualization has historically been based on static graphical representations, advances in technology have enabled an extension to more dynamic displays, usually under interactive control (
Pike, Stasko, Chang, & O'Connell, 2009;
Yi, Kang, Stasko, & Jacko, 2007). Such interaction—for example, moving through various subsets of data, spotting an outlier in one of them, then drilling down to get more information about it—often plays a critical role in visualization, especially when a task is incompletely defined or a dataset poorly understood (
Fekete, van Wijk, Stasko, & North, 2008;
Roth, 2012;
Thomas & Cook, 2005). Given that visual perception itself is also inherently interactive (e.g.,
Findlay & Gilchrist, 2003;
Land & Tatler, 2009;
Rensink, 2000), the question then is what can be learned about vision—and in particular, the interdependence of lower level perception and higher level cognition—by considering the corresponding aspects of visualization.
Early investigations of how visualizations assist in complex tasks tended to focus on their cognitive aspects, for example, the conceptual schemas underlying the comprehension of a given graph (e.g.,
Pinker, 1990;
Shah, 2002;
Wickens & Flach, 1988). But such work had relatively little impact on our understanding of vision. A more productive approach for purposes here may therefore be to focus instead on the control of processes that enable the discovery of structure in data independent of semantics, and in particular, on processes that enable the
interaction of perception and cognition.
It is worth noting that many of the low-level “semantics-free” operations in visualization have recognizable correlates in human perception—for example, identification, localization, clustering, grouping, linking, panning, zooming, and filtering (
Amar, Eagan, & Stasko, 2005;
Roth, 2012). Indeed, selection is sometimes described as a component of these operations in the same way that visual attention is sometimes described as the selective application of various operations (e.g.,
Rensink, 2015). Such considerations suggest a degree of isomorphism between vision and visualization, so that investigating the interactive aspects of one may help us understand those in the other.
One characterization of this isomorphism is what might be called the
extended vision thesis: the informational linkages between human and machine create a composite system that can perceive structure in an abstract dataset in much the same way that a natural visual system can perceive structure in the physical world (
Figure 4). In this view, the visualization pipeline that maps abstract data to a graphical representation (
Card et al., 1999) is essentially an extension of low-level vision, enabling the human analyst to perceive structure in information from sources other than physical ones (
Rensink, 2014). An interactive system adds feedback control; this exists at all stages, resulting in a rough architectural consistency with what is found in the human visual system. The resulting process is often divided into a lower level loop that extracts data from the input image and feeds it to a higher level “sensemaking loop” that in turn controls the lower level loop (
Pirolli & Card, 2005). This process has clear similarities with the “cycle of perception” in computer vision (
Mackworth, 1978) and the “perceptual cycle” in human vision (
Neisser, 1976), in which perception is influenced by high-level knowledge, which in turn is influenced by perception. A popular mantra for exploratory visualization is “overview first, zoom and filter, then details on demand” (
Shneiderman, 1996); this has an echo in visual perception, where a global view of the scene can guide subsequent attentional filtering, construction, and tracking of items (e.g.,
Rensink, 2000). For vision and visualization, then, many of the problems and solutions may be much the same.
As for the case of graphical representations, there are no guarantees this approach will necessarily be productive. For example, the kinds of tasks carried out interactively may simply not be amenable to well-defined solutions, or, if there are such solutions, it may not be possible to implement them using operations available in current visualization systems. And even if this could be done, the unnaturalness of the stimuli and task—not to mention the technology itself—might result in strategies and operations that differ considerably from those used in natural vision. And finally, even if an isomorphism of this kind does exist, the approach described here may be too reductive—the simplifications and controls needed to carry out experiments of the kind advocated here might not be able to isolate the key components used in more realistic situations.
Although these concerns are valid in theory, they need not be so in practice. For example, the naturalness of a display does not seem to be critical for performance on interactive tasks (
Smallman & St. John, 2005;
Hegarty, Smallman, & Stull, 2012), suggesting that simplified, controlled experiments may often succeed at capturing important aspects of interaction. Moreover, any limits encountered that are not due to the machine component (such those involving timing or memory) can reliably be attributed to the human system. And finally, as the following examples show, there is also empirical evidence to believe that interactive visualization can often provide an interesting way to explore how lower level processes interact with higher level ones, and how these together interact with the world.