To verify that the modified versions of the ImageNet images had the anisotropic orientation statistics that we expected, we measured the orientation content of each training image using a Gabor filter bank. The filter bank included filters at orientations from 0° to 175° in 5° steps, at spatial frequencies of 0.0200, 0.0431, 0.0928, and 0.200 cycles per pixel (orientation bandwidth of filters was 19°). The filter bank was generated using the
gabor.m function in MATLAB R2018b (MathWorks). Since all filtering was performed in the Fourier domain, we also used a custom modified version of the
gabor.m function which allowed us to directly generate a frequency-domain representation of each filter (
Jain & Farrokhnia, 1991). Before filtering each image, we converted it to grayscale, subtracted its background color so that the background was equal to zero, and padded each image with zeros to a size of 1012 × 1012 pixels (this was the size needed to accommodate the lowest frequency filter). Images were then converted into the frequency domain for filtering (using
fft2.m) and multiplied by the filter bank. Next, we converted back to the spatial domain and unpadded the image back to its original size (224 × 224 pixels). Finally, we took the magnitude of the filtered image, and averaged the magnitude across all pixel positions to obtain a single value for each filter orientation and spatial frequency. Next, for each image, within each spatial frequency, we converted the orientation magnitude values into an estimated probability distribution by dividing by the sum of the magnitude across all orientations. Since this was done for all orientations of one spatial frequency at a time, this corrects for differences in power across spatial frequency and facilitates combining results across spatial frequency. Results were similar within each spatial frequency individually; we averaged over spatial frequency to produce the final plots (
Figure 6B). This analysis was done on the training set images only, which included ∼1,300 images in each of 1,000 categories, for a total of ∼1.3 million images.