We model the memory process for each item of each display according to the Variable Precision model (
van den Berg et al., 2012;
Fougnie et al., 2012), by which memories are described as a continuous resource that randomly fluctuates across items and trials. The noisy measurements of each item on each display,
\({\boldsymbol x} =(x_1,...,x_N)\) and
\({\boldsymbol y}=(y_1,...,y_N)\), are conditionally independent and drawn from a Von Mises distribution centered on the actual orientation presentation,
p({\boldsymbol x}|{\boldsymbol \xi };{\boldsymbol \kappa }_x) &\;=& \prod _{i=1}^{N}p(x_i|\xi _i, \kappa _{x,i})\nonumber\\
&\;=& \prod _{i=1}^N\frac{1}{2\pi I_0(\kappa _{x,i})} e^{\kappa _{x,i}\cos (x_i-\xi _i)} \nonumber \\
p({\boldsymbol y}|{\boldsymbol \phi };{\boldsymbol \kappa }_y) &\;=& \prod _{i=1}^{N}p(y_i|\phi _i, \kappa _{y,i})\nonumber \\
& \;=& \prod _{i=1}^N\frac{1}{2\pi I_0(\kappa _{y,i})} e^{\kappa _{y,i}\cos (y_i-\phi _i)}. \nonumber
\(\kappa\)s are the concentration parameter of the Von Mises distribution and are related to the precision with which each item is remembered; a higher
\(\kappa\) corresponds to higher precision. The subscript of each
\(\kappa\) indicates which item it refers to (e.g.,
\(\kappa _{x,i}\) is concentration parameter for
\(x_i\), the
\(i{\rm th}\) item in the first stimulus presentation). We assume that memory precision varies across items, above and beyond the precision differences, due to stimulus reliability. In other words,
\(\kappa _{x,i}\) and
\(\kappa _{y,i}\) are themselves random variables, rather than single values. Rather than sampling
\(\kappa\) itself, we sample the Fisher information of the Von Mises distribution,
\(J\), from a gamma distribution:
p(J) = \frac{1}{\Gamma \left(\frac{\bar{J}}{\tau }\right)\tau ^{\bar{J}/\tau }}J^{\frac{\bar{J}}{\tau }-1}e^{J/\tau }, \nonumber
\(\tau\) is the scale parameter of the gamma distribution and
\(\bar{J}\) is the mean precision. The relationship between
\(J\) and
\(\kappa\) is the following:
J = \kappa \frac{I_1(\kappa )}{I_0(\kappa )}, \nonumber
\(I_0\) is a modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 and
\(I_1\) is a modified Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 (
van den Berg et al., 2012;
Keshvari et al., 2012). We allow the mean precision to differ across stimulus shape; the precisions of memories corresponding to low-reliability ellipses are drawn from a gamma distribution with mean
\(\bar{J}_{\rm low}\) and high-reliability ellipses with mean
\(\bar{J}_{\rm high}\). Parameter
\(\tau\) is shared across both distributions. Because items in the first display were presented earlier, there are certainly differences in the precision with which items in the first and second displays are maintained, independent of ellipse reliability. However, the amount that the first and second displays contribute to the overall measured change is extremely hard to tease apart in the model. Thus, we use one parameter per reliability and recognize that this estimate will be some average of the precisions of the first and second displays.