Sample frame from
Movie 5.
Top panel: The gaze density distribution (across all participants and trials) in the MISS condition in CURV-SEG = 1, at the time point when the time headway to the furthest (but missing) waypoint is 1.42 s. The blue cross indicates the position of the (missing) WP
const, the red cross the virtual WP
alt, and the purple dot WP
prev (i.e., the last waypoint that was actually observed). All the coordinates have been normalized with respect to the position of WP
const, and the relative positions between WP
alt and WP
const should be effectively constant across trials. (Due to projection geometry, it changes with time headway.) The full movie shows the gaze distribution developing across each CURV-SEG. All left-turning segments of the data have been mirrored.
Middle left panel: The marginal gaze distributions for the x-axis in the VIS and MISS conditions.
Middle right panel: Bird’s-eye view of the track. The black dotted line indicates the (invisible) centerline of the track and the solid blue line the extent of the CURV-SEG 01. The blue dot indicates the location of WP
const, the red dot the location of WP
alt, and the purple dot the location of WP
prev. The gray dot indicates the position of the driver within the CURV-SEG.
Bottom panel: The comparable gaze density distribution as in the top panel but in the VIS condition where the waypoint at TH = 1.42 s is, in fact, visible (having appeared at TH = 2.0 s). The blue dot indicates the location of the visible WP
const and the red cross the WP