Vection is visually induced illusory self-motion perception. In previous vection studies, negative correlation with narcissistic personality (Seno et al., 2011) and positive correlation with the field dependence (Keshavarz et al., 2017). Also emotional valence could modify vection strength (Valjamae & Seno, 2016). We thought that these properties should be highly related to various aspects of human life. Thus, in this study, we investigated whether there are significant correlations between vection (latency, duration and magnitude) and various aspects of human life, e.g. clothing costs, self-estimated fashion sense, future child number, Psychopathy, looking attractiveness. Vection was induced by an expanding circular grating in a darkened chamber. This vection stimulus was previously used in our study (e.g. Seno et al., 2018). Before conducting the vection experiment, by using an online questionnaire, we obtained the 4 items about human life, i.e. ideal child number, sense of fashion, the costs of clothing and how much they love children, also we made the participants answer the Hare Psychopathy checklist (Hare, 1991 & 2003). 22 (11 males and 11 females) participated (ranged 21 to 30 years old) in this study. The results showed that substantial strong vection was induced in all participants. We found some significant correlations between looking attractiveness and vection duration, between vection latency and vection duration and between ideal child number and likeness of children. Also, there were some tendencies of significant correlations between likeness of children and vection magnitude, looking attractiveness and vection latency, and between vection duration and Psychopathy tendency. We can say that vection strength can be affected by some human personalities and characteristics. We newly hypothesized and speculated from these results that vection is mediated by “empathy” and the acquiring the perspective of others. We will explain this in the poster more in detail.