The family of DeepGaze models comprises deep learning based computational models of freeviewing overt attention. DeepGaze II predicts freeviewing fixation locations (Kümmerer et al, ICCV 2017) and DeepGaze III (Kümmerer at al, CCN 2019) predicts freeviewing sequences of fixations. The models encode image information using deep features from pretrained deep neural networks to compute a spatial saliency map, which, in case of DeepGaze III, is then combined with information about the scanpath history to predict the next fixation. Both models have set the state of the art in their respective tasks in the last years. Here, we improve the performance of both models substantially. We replace the backbone deep neural network VGG-19 with better performing networks such as DenseNet. We also improve the architecture of the model and the training procedure. This results in a substantial performance improvement for both DeepGaze II and DeepGaze III and sets a new state of the art for freeviewing fixation prediction and freeviewing scanpath prediction across all commonly used metrics. We further use the improved DeepGaze III model to better understand human scanpaths. For example, we quantify the effects of scene content and scanpath history on human scanpaths. We find that, on the MIT1003 dataset, scene content has a substantially larger effect on fixation selection than scanpath history and that there are only very subtle but measurable interactions between scene content and scanpath history that go beyond a scalar saliency measure. Furthermore, we are able to disentangle the central fixation bias into contributions that are driven by image content, by the initial central fixation, and by a remaining effect that cannot be explained from these two sources. Taken together, the improved DeepGaze models allow us to analyze human scanpaths in ways that are not possible without high-performing deep learning models.