September 2021
Volume 21, Issue 9
Open Access
Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting Abstract  |   September 2021
Isolate or combine: population receptive field size in (un)crowding
Author Affiliations & Notes
  • Ayberk Ozkirli
    Laboratory of Psychophysics, Brain Mind Institute, School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
    Laboratory for Research in Neuroimaging, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Maya A. Jastrzębowska
    Laboratory of Psychophysics, Brain Mind Institute, School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
    Laboratory for Research in Neuroimaging, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Bogdan Draganski
    Laboratory for Research in Neuroimaging, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
    Neurology Department, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
  • Michael H. Herzog
    Laboratory of Psychophysics, Brain Mind Institute, School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
  • Footnotes
    Acknowledgements  Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project grant numbers 176153, 32003B_135679, 32003B_159780, 324730_192755 and CRSK-3_190185) and the Leenaards Foundation. LREN is very grateful to the ROGER DE SPOELBERCH and Partridge Foundations for their generous financial support
Journal of Vision September 2021, Vol.21, 2196. doi:
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      Ayberk Ozkirli, Maya A. Jastrzębowska, Bogdan Draganski, Michael H. Herzog; Isolate or combine: population receptive field size in (un)crowding. Journal of Vision 2021;21(9):2196.

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      © ARVO (1962-2015); The Authors (2016-present)

  • Supplements

Crowding, the deterioration of object recognition in clutter, is traditionally explained with models that are hierarchical, feedforward and local. These models suggest that a “bottleneck” at the earliest stages of visual processing leads to an irretrievable loss of information due to the pooling of target and flanker features, perhaps because of their combination within a single receptive field. A recent study used fMRI and population receptive field (pRF) mapping to estimate aggregate receptive field sizes in early visual areas under conditions of crowding (He et al., 2019). In area V2, pRF size was larger in a stronger crowding condition as compared to an easier one, suggesting that pRF sizes indicate the strength of the “bottleneck”. Here, we tested this assumption by using uncrowding, in which adding more flankers can lead to better performance. In accordance with local, feedforward models, pRF sizes in uncrowding should be the same or larger than in crowding. We estimated pRF sizes in three conditions: crowding, uncrowding and no crowding. We replicated previous results, showing that pRF size was increased in the crowding condition as compared to the no crowding condition. This was the case across visual areas V1 to V4. However, in the uncrowding condition, pRF size was significantly decreased, even compared to the no crowding condition. Again, this was true across all visual areas tested. Our findings not only show that there is “isolation” of the target from the flankers in the uncrowding condition – which may explain the higher task performance, but also provide evidence against purely feedforward models of crowding, including the “bottleneck” theory. We suggest that pRF size is modulated in a recurrent fashion, dependent on global context.


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