The nonlinear regression fitting procedure (fitted using Prism) yielded values for the parameter
Δ, the threshold for discrimination of the test pattern from the reference circle at a level of 75% correct response, and Q a measure of the slope of the psychometric function. Thresholds for detection of modulation were measured for patterns containing one, two, and three cycles of modulation of each of the position, orientation and motion cues to deformation to determine if integration of these cues could be demonstrated around the patterns. If the illusory positional displacements of the Gabor patches in patterns modulated in orientation and centrifugal speed are treated by the visual system as positional modulation, then their thresholds for detection of modulation can be expected to decrease as cycles of modulation are added at the same rate as for genuine modulation of position. That is, we would expect thresholds to conform to power functions of the number of cycles of modulation present. Moreover, we would expect the indices of the power functions to indicate a rate of decrease in threshold steeper than that predicted by probability summation (
Loffler et al., 2003). Further, the thresholds for detection of position, orientation, and speed modulation also allow us to normalize for the relative strength of each cue. The premise for normalization of the amplitudes of modulation is that, if we accept that the modulation of orientation and speed results in local positional modulation, then there exist particular amplitudes of modulation of orientation and centrifugal speed that will induce equal amounts of illusory positional displacement. We chose to express thresholds as the equivalent amount of orientation modulation. Ratios were, therefore, determined to equate threshold amplitudes for single cycles of modulation of position and speed to the threshold for a single cycle of orientation modulation. If these ratios are applied to the amplitudes of modulation of position and speed as normalization constants, then we can apply modulation of orientation, speed, and position in equal effective proportions to a single cycle of modulation and then all three cues to a second and third cycle. Incrementally adding orientation, position and centrifugal speed modulation to a single cycle should have the same effect on threshold as adding positional modulation across three cycles of modulation. Moreover, that effective positional modulation could be divided equally across orientation, position, and centrifugal speed modulation. Thus, if we treat each normalized modulation across a single cycle as a unit cue and incrementally add the cues within and then across cycles of modulation, then the threshold for detection of modulation should decrease according to a power function of the number of cues added. If the cues are integrated equally, then the power function should have an index that exceeds in magnitude that which is predicted by probability summation.
Equation 5 specifies a power function.
\Delta \left( n \right) = C{n^\gamma }\quad
Δ, the threshold, decreases as n increases if the index,
γ, of the power function is negative. This is to be expected due to probability summation, the increasing probability of detecting a single cue as the number of independent cues increases. Integration of the signal is demonstrated if the magnitude of
γ is greater than that predicted by probability summation. The quantity
n, the independent variable in the study, can refer to the number of cycles of modulation or the number of cues. For example, a pattern with orientation and centrifugal speed modulation on a single cycle might be considered to have two cues.