The current study examined the effect of apparent distance on the accuracy and speed of detecting peripheral targets.
Experiments 1–
3 simulated distance using linear perspective cues and optical flow, whereas
Experiment 4 examined the contribution of linear perspective cues in the absence of motion. Crucially, in all experiments, the targets were presented briefly, and the retinal characteristics of the targets were identical across the two distances tested.
Experiment 1 found that peripheral target detection depended on target distance and eccentricity. Detection was overall faster and more accurate for near targets than far targets across all eccentricities, and that the effect of eccentricity was larger for far targets than for near targets. However, participants may have been able to anticipate the onset of near targets better than far targets in
Experiment 1 due to differences in target onset uncertainty.
Experiment 2 controlled for anticipation and found a similar pattern of results in accuracy, but the effect of distance on RT was markedly reduced. The results of
Experiment 2 suggest that anticipation of target onset could explain the near advantage in RT but not accuracy.
Although targets were identical across near and far distances, the backgrounds differed. One such difference is the size of the checkerboard pattern on which the targets appeared.
Experiment 3 examined the effect of target distance in the absence of checkerboard backgrounds and found that detection for near targets was no longer significantly more accurate than far targets across all eccentricities. Instead, we found that the effect of eccentricity was larger for far targets than near targets. These results suggest that the different check sizes in the near and far conditions may account for the
overall near advantage averaged across eccentricities but probably do not account entirely for the interaction between target distance and eccentricity that was found in
Experiments 1 and
Experiment 4, we assessed the interactive effects of multiple static depth cues by factorially crossing check size, wall size, and the presence of the ground plane on detection. In these static stimulus conditions, targets were detected more accurately when the background checkerboard consisted of large checks than small checks, but wall size and ground plane had minimal effects on accuracy. The interaction between target eccentricity and check size in
Experiment 4 was significant although much smaller than the Eccentricity
\(\times\) Distance interaction found in
Experiment 2. Interestingly, the largest near advantage was seen at the largest eccentricity, and there was no far advantage at any eccentricity. These findings also are consistent with the idea that check size may account for the overall near advantage but cannot account entirely for the interaction between target distance and eccentricity.
Experiment 3 examined the target distance effect after removing the checkerboard backgrounds from the dynamic stimuli used in
Experiment 2. In contrast, Experiment 4 examined the effect of checkerboard in the presence of other static distance cues. The ANOVA comparing Experiments 2 and 3 revealed that the effect size of the main effect of Checkerboard and the effect size of the Checkerboard
\(\times\) Eccentricity interaction was 0.014 and 0.006, respectively. On the other hand, Experiment 4 found that the effect size of the main effect of Checkerboard and the Checkerboard
\(\times\) Eccentricity interaction was 0.027 and 0.008 (see
Table B.19). These results suggest that the effect of a textured background, like a checkerboard, on peripheral target detection may be larger in static than dynamic displays.
Our general conclusion that increasing target distance reduces peripheral target detectability at larger eccentricities is consistent with the findings of
Pierce and Andersen (2014). However, the results of our experiments suggest that much of the near advantage was due to target anticipation and stimulus background and that the effect of distance is small.
In a conventional UFOV task presented at two different viewing distance while matching retinal stimulus size,
Li et al. (2011) also reported worse detection performance at a far viewing distance at large eccentricities, but performance at the far viewing distance was never better than at a near viewing distance. Furthermore, our estimated magnitude of the Distance
\(\times\) Eccentricity interaction is much smaller than the effect of varying physical viewing distance in that of a traditional UFOV task (
Li et al., 2011). There may be a few reasons for this difference. First, the range of distances tested in the current study is much farther than that of
Li et al. (2011). The effect of distance may differ depending on distance from viewer, as far objects away from reach have relatively little behavioral relevance compared to near targets within reach. Future work may examine whether the effect of distance at far ranges is comparable to that of near ranges. Second, the current results may underestimate the effects of target distance on detection in naturalistic viewing conditions. The current experiments did not include binocular cues, which are potent depth cues present in
Li et al. (2011). Interestingly,
Li et al. (2011) found a distance effect only for a detection task, but not a letter discrimination task. Further investigation is required to determine whether the distance effect reported here will extend to a peripheral discrimination task.
The distance effect reported here may reflect learning from real-world driving. At any given retinal eccentricity, far objects lie at a greater distance from an observer’s heading than near objects. Also, during driving, distant objects and events are less relevant to behavior in the immediate future compared to near events. Hence, it may be more advantageous to attend to near distances to prepare for potential hazards during driving. Because driving is a daily task for many people, this pattern of preparing for hazards at near distances may become overlearned with practice, such that this pattern of behavior is shown even when hazards are absent. However, it is worthwhile to note that in ideal driving conditions, objects of interest usually have high, suprathreshold contrast, and therefore the results of the current study, which used low-contrast targets, may not generalize to those situations. Instead, the results of the current study may be more applicable to suboptimal driving conditions, such as during nighttime when glare is likely, or during weather conditions such as rain or fog. It is important to study performance in adverse conditions as they are more common in some parts of the world, where driving is a central part of how people get around in daily life, particularly when environmental conditions are not ideal for alternative modes of transportation.
Experiments 1–
3 consistently found large divided attention costs for the central car-following task: In all three experiments, car-following responses had larger errors and were approximately 90 ms to 600 ms slower under divided attention than focused attention. However, there were no divided attention costs in peripheral detection. In fact, detection performance was more accurate under divided attention only in
Experiment 1. This is likely due to a practice effect as the divided attention condition was always completed last.Typically, UFOV studies using 2D displays find divided attention costs in peripheral detection performance but not central task performance (e.g.,
Sekuler & Ball, 1986;
Sekuler et al., 2000;
Owsley et al., 1998a). It is possible that a practice effect could have eliminated the divided attention cost for peripheral detection in our study because the divided attention condition was always performed last. However, previous studies on the UFOV that presented the divided attention condition last consistently found a large divided attention cost in the peripheral task but a much smaller cost in the central task (e.g.,
Sekuler et al., 2000;
Richards et al., 2006). Therefore, the order of tasks per se cannot explain our results, and it is unlikely that the failure to find a divided attention cost for our peripheral task was due to overall enhanced performance due to practice effects, particularly because we did find a divided attention task for the central task. Instead, it is more likely that the difference between the current findings and previous studies reflects differences in the way participants prioritized the central and peripheral tasks, given our particular stimuli and tasks. Specifically, we suggest that participants in the current experiments prioritized the peripheral task over the central task. Although the precise nature of what leads participants to prioritize central or peripheral tasks remains an empirical question for further consideration, it is important for researchers to recognize that the nature of the stimuli and tasks can impact the nature of divided attention, particularly as more tasks are adapted for real-world situations.
Some characteristics of our task may have encouraged prioritization of the peripheral task over the central task. First, the peripheral task used brief targets that appeared suddenly. These characteristics were not present in the car-following task and, therefore, may have made the peripheral task more demanding. Second, the focused attention condition for the the peripheral detection task was much longer than the car-following task, which may have emphasized the detection task over the car-following task. These aspects of the methods may have led participants to prioritize the peripheral task over the car-following task.
In addition, under divided attention, participants may have momentarily diverted attention away from the car-following task and later compensated for the diversion, resulting in less precise, but still acceptable, car-following performance. Such a margin of error in the car-following task may allow peripheral detection with high accuracy in our conditions, as the target car-following distance was large enough to allow some error without crashing. Previous studies reported similar patterns of results in simulated driving, where divided attention costs were observed in the central, vehicle-control task but not the peripheral task (
Cooper et al., 2013;
Wolfe et al., 2019). However, increasing the difficulty of the car-following task in a divided attention paradigm resulted in statistically significant costs in peripheral detection in a driving context (
Bian et al., 2010), and a similar effect was found for lane-keeping (
Gaspar et al., 2016;
Ward et al., 2018).
Considering the demands of car-following in real driving, timely detection of possible obstacles ahead is critical for safe driving, particularly if the lead car were to suddenly brake. Although the delays in RT were quite small for target detection, we found that delays in car-following response slowed by 100 and 600 ms in the divided attention condition compared to the focused attention condition (except for at the highest frequencies, which sometimes showed smaller delays in the divided attention condition; see
Table A.1). At an average speed of 60 km/h, these delays correspond to traveling an extra 1.6 and 10 m before a response is made. In real driving, even a small response delay may result in an accident if, for example, a pedestrian suddenly steps into the road. Although responding quickly to an obstacle ahead is more critical than monitoring the environment away from the path of motion in real driving, keeping a large enough following distance from the car ahead is beneficial as it would allow for less precise control of the distance to the lead car. In our conditions, even in the event that the lead car suddenly stops, the observed delays would not result in a crash most of the time due to the target following distance of 18.5 m. Furthermore, the lead car was always moving ahead, which would allow for a large enough margin of error to account for increased delays in the divided attention condition. For this reason, the observed pattern of divided attention cost in the current study may be applicable only in relatively safe car-following conditions but not in situations where more immediate responses are required, such as when keeping shorter car-following distances or when responding to hazards that are not moving along the viewer’s path of motion. However, it is interesting to note that in our conditions, a following distance of 18.5 m corresponded to a time-headway of 1.1 s, which is well within the range of common time headways drivers choose in real driving (
Treiterer & Nemeth, 1970;
von Buseck et al., 1980;
Ayres et al., 2001). This is likely a reasonable choice as it allows for enough RT delay to respond to a sudden change in the vehicle ahead. Traveling at high speeds may also affect the prioritization of tasks, as at a higher speed of 100 km/h, the same delays of 100 and 600 ms corresponds to 2.7 and 16.7 m, and drivers may be poorer at estimating car-following headways at faster speeds (
Risto & Martens, 2013,
2014). Future work can examine whether varying parameters of the car-following task can modulate the impact of divided attention on vehicle control.