Another research question of this study was, if learning of a crowding task with a certain optotype could transfer to a different optotype. Here, we chose the two optotypes Landolt-C and Tumbling-E that are well established optotypes used in visual acuity tests (e.g.
Bach, 1996). Participants trained the crowding task either on the Landolt-C or the Tumbling-E over four sessions and switched to the other optotype in session 5. Interestingly, we found a complete transfer of training from the Landolt-C optotype to the Tumbling-E optotype, but not vice versa (see
Figure 3,
Table 2, as well as
Supplementary Figure S1). Moreover, participants who trained the Landolt-C task showed improved performance when switching to Tumbling-E, whereas participants who trained with Tumbling-E achieved worse results after switching to Landolt-C. This result suggests that the Tumbling-E condition was overall easier to perform than the Landolt-C condition. Because we knew from our earlier study on perceptual learning of crowding with a Landolt-C target stimulus (
Malania et al., 2020) that a substantial amount of learning usually occurs already in the first session of performing the crowding task, it was not possible to test each group in the other optotype pretraining without risking to lose the participants’ “pretraining performance status” in that other optotype that we aimed to test in session 5. For that reason, we decided against a pretest in the other optotype, but analyzed differences in performance on each optotype during the learning phase of each group. As
Table 1 and
Supplementary Figure S1 show for the no-flanker control condition, there was no significant difference between the two optotypes and they were comparably easy to recognize, when they were presented isolated at the chosen eccentricity of 6.5 degrees visual angle in the upper right quadrant. In addition, learning effects, as measured by the reduction of target-to-flanker distances (62.5% thresholds; see
Figure 3) and as development of percent-correct values on each flanker spacing (see
Figure S1), over 4 days of training did not differ significantly between the two optotypes. Neither the repeated-measures ANOVA on the 62.5% thresholds nor the repeated-measures ANOVA on the percent-correct values revealed any significant main effect of optotype or significant interaction effects with the factor optotype. As such, we did not gain explicit evidence for one optotype to be distinctly easier to be recognized than the other, neither in isolation nor in the crowded condition. Descriptively, it can be seen from
Figure S1 that the group who trained with the Tumbling-E on average exhibited performance gains in the radial condition on medium-level flanker spacings (1.5 degrees to 2.0 degrees) earlier (session 2) than the group who trained with the Landolt-C, whereas both groups showed comparable learning progress at greater flanker spacings. Further, the Tumbling-E group could raise their performance levels at the smallest flanker spacing 0.75 degrees in sessions 3 and 4, which was not the case for the Landolt-C group. What could be reasons for the slight advantage in recognizing Tumbling-Es over Landolt-Cs of the same size? Already
Kaufmann and Decker (1986) asserted that, to achieve the same performance, the size of the Tumbling-E should be only 87% of that of the Landolt-C. On the other hand, we did not find clear evidence for performance differences on the two optotypes when presented in isolation, where we observed ceiling effects (see
Table 1), which makes it more probable that the target-flanker-constellations offer possible explanations for differences in learning progress. According to
Huckauf and Nazir (2007) and
Yeotikar et al. (2013), learning effects in crowding tasks are often specific for the target-flanker-configuration trained. In this experiment, we used different flankers for Landolt-C (closed rings) and Tumbling-E (closed squares with a crossbar), which were chosen to appear comparably similar to their respective targets. Possibly, the target-flanker-configuration Landolt-C plus closed rings led to specific adaptation effects in the sensitive neurons that could help subsequently to differentiate between Tumbling-E and squared flankers better than vice versa. The Landolt-C task might challenge the visual system more to fine-tune gap detection, which as a consequence could result in better transfer to other stimuli. Flanker complexity and target-flanker similarity could also play a role. As
Bernard and Chung (2011) have shown, flanker complexity can increase the strength of crowding. According to the perimetric complexity introduced by
Pelli, Burns, Farell, and Moore-Page (2006), for the flankers in our study, complexity should be higher for the closed squares with a crossbar chosen for the Tumbling-E targets than the closed ring stimuli chosen as flankers for the Landolt-C targets. As such, the crowding effect in the Tumbling-E condition should actually have been greater, which would not be in line with our results. Several studies have also shown that target-flanker-similarity increases the strength of crowding (e.g.
Bernard & Chung, 2011;
Cheung & Cheung, 2017;
Freeman, Chakravarthi, & Pelli, 2012;
Kooi, Toet, Tripathy, & Levi, 1994). In our study, we aimed to keep target-flanker similarity equal for both conditions, but it might be that the ring flankers were more similar to the target Landolt-C than the squares with crossbar to the target Tumbling-E. As such, it would have been easier to distinguish the target Tumbling-E from the flankers than the Landolt-C. Less crowding in the Tumbling-E condition induced by less target-flanker similarity could possibly explain the slightly better learning progress in that condition. Despite these differences in overall difficulty between the two optotypes their learning curves largely overlap, which makes it unlikely that the observed transfer effects from Landolt-C to Tumbling-E only occurred due to different overall difficulty. On the other hand, the lack of a learning transfer from Tumbling-E to Landolt-C may be caused by the Landolt-C target-flanker-constellation exhibiting more crowding. In any case, these results show that transfer effects in learning of crowding are largely dependent on the exact configuration of the training and test stimuli, which will have implications for any practical use of such training procedures (e.g. with the aim to improve reading abilities in patients with central vision loss). Further research that tests training and transfer effects not only on optotypes but also on other letters and normal text will be necessary to gain further insight into that issue.