Saccadic eye movements bring objects of interest onto our fovea. These gaze shifts are essential for visual perception of our environment and the interaction with the objects within it. They precede our actions and are thus modulated by current goals. It is assumed that saccadic adaptation, a recalibration process that restores saccade accuracy in case of error, is mainly based on an implicit comparison of expected and actual post-saccadic position of the target on the retina. However, there is increasing evidence that task demands modulate saccade adaptation and that errors in task performance may be sufficient to induce changes to saccade amplitude. We investigated if human participants are able to flexibly use different information sources within the post-saccadic visual feedback in task-dependent fashion. Using intra-saccadic manipulation of the visual input, participants were either presented with congruent post-saccadic information, indicating the saccade target unambiguously, or incongruent post-saccadic information, creating conflict between two possible target objects. Using different task instructions, we found that participants were able to modify their saccade behavior such that they achieved the goal of the task. They succeeded in decreasing saccade gain or maintaining it, depending on what was necessary for the task, irrespective of whether the post-saccadic feedback was congruent or incongruent. It appears that action intentions prime task-relevant feature dimensions and thereby facilitated the selection of the relevant information within the post-saccadic image. Thus, participants use post-saccadic feedback flexibly, depending on their intentions and pending actions.
We aimed to investigate if participants are able to use information within the post-saccadic feedback flexibly to adjust their saccade motor performance to meet task demands. Thus, the development of saccade gain change throughout the experiment was assessed for both the instruction to look at the colored object (
Figure 2A) and the instruction to look at the object at a particular position within the array (
Figure 2B).
During the array shift condition (black lines), in which the sources of information contained in the post-saccadic feedback were congruent and required a shortening of the saccade amplitude, saccade gain change followed the exponential learning curve typically observed in saccade adaptation experiments (
Deubel, Wolf, & Hauske, 1986;
Ethier, Zee, & Shadmehr, 2008a;
Panouillères, Weiss, Urquizar, Salemme, Munoz, & Pélisson, 2009;
Straube, Fuchs, Usher, & Robinson, 1997) for either instruction.
During the color swap condition (orange lines), during which the information sources within the post-saccadic image were incongruent regarding the correct target object, the adaptation pattern was dependent on the instruction: for the instruction to look at the colored object, saccade gain decreased throughout the adaptation trials despite the absence of an array shift. Participants gradually shortened their amplitude and thus brought it increasingly closer to the target object. For the instruction to look at the object at the position within the array that was initially indicated by the red color, saccade gain remained constant throughout the adaptation procedure and the eye thus continued to land on the correct target object within the array despite the color swap. It is especially remarkable that saccade gain in the color swap condition decreased in parallel to the control condition of array shift although the object array in the color swap condition did not change position.
During the condition array shift with color swap (blue lines), during which the post-saccadic information was also incongruent, the pattern of gain change was again dependent on the instruction. For the instruction to look at the colored object, saccade metrics were maintained throughout the adaptation procedure despite the array shift against the saccade direction (i.e. the eye landed on the red object and the action goal was accomplished). For the instruction to look at the object at the initially specified position within the array, saccade amplitude was shortened during the adaptation procedure and the eye was brought increasingly closer to the correct goal.
We assessed saccade gain change during late adaptation (trials 201:220) and during post-adaptation no-feedback trials (221:240). During late adaptation and following the instruction to look at the colored object, the average saccade gain change was –12.405% (
SD = 2.90%), –12.25% (
SD = 5.219%), and –2.231% (
SD = 5.033%) for the conditions array shift, color swap, and array shift with color swap, respectively (
Figure 3A).
For the instruction to look at the object at position x, the average saccade gain change was –13.672% (SD = 3.778%), 0.216% (SD = 6.61%), and –12.489% (SD = 4.702%) in the conditions array shift, color swap, and array shift with color swap. A mixed ANOVA with the within-subjects factor post-saccadic feedback (array shift, color swap, and array shift with color swap) and the between-subjects factor instruction (colored object and position) showed no significant main effect for the instruction type, F(1, 34) = 0.104, p = 0.749, η2p = 0.003), but the main effect of post-saccadic feedback was significant (F(1.587, 53.944) = 17.629, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.395) and so was the interaction between feedback and instruction (F(1.587, 53.944) = 52.380, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.606). These results indicate that the instruction moderates the influence of post-saccadic feedback on the development of oculomotor performance.
For the array shift condition, during which the feedback was unambiguous and both instructions implied the same form of adjustment, no difference in gain change occurred (t(34) = 1.129, p = 0.267, d = 0.376, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 1.894 [2.376, 3.106]).
In the color swap condition, gain change was significantly different for both instruction types (t(34) = –6.280, p < 0.001, d = 2.093, two-sided t-test) and the same applies to the array shift with color swap condition (t(34) = 6.319, p < 0.001, d = 2.106, two-sided t-test). Thus, post hoc tests confirmed that the same post-saccadic feedback can be used flexibly to accomplish different action goals.
During post-adaptation trials, the feedback was turned off upon saccade onset and participants did not receive feedback regarding their saccade accuracy. Thus, these trials serve to assess the after effects of adaptation that persist even though the feedback was removed. For the instruction to look at the colored object, the average saccade gain change was –10.25% (
SD = 4.094%), –5.33% (
SD = 4.529%) and –3.04% (
SD = 4.40%) for the array shift, the color swap, and the array shift with color swap condition, respectively. For the instruction to look at the object at a particular position, the average gain change was –11.65% (
SD = 4.176%) in the array shift condition, –0.141% (
SD = 3.991%) in the color swap condition, and –11.47% (
SD = 5.719%) in the array shift with color swap condition (
Figure 3B). The 2 × 3 mixed ANOVA calculated on the post-adaptation data yielded the same pattern of results as the for the late-adaptation data. The main effect of instruction was not significant (
F(1,34) = 2.484,
p = 0.124, η
2p = 0.068), but the main effect of feedback (
F(2,68) = 34.481,
p < 0.001, η
2p = 0.504) as well as the interaction between feedback and instruction (
F(2,68) = 23.633,
p < 0.001, η
2p = 0.410) were significant. This pattern of results not only confirms that the use of the post-saccadic feedback depends on the action goal, but also shows that after effects, indicating implicit learning, show the same modulatory effect of instruction on the use of post-saccadic feedback.
Post hoc tests confirmed that task demands, here defined by type of instruction, in the presence of ambiguous post-saccadic information, determined which source of information is used to guide motor learning. Whereas for the array shift condition, in which post-saccadic information was congruent during the adaptation procedure, both instructions led to the same amount of implicit learning (t(34) = 1.017, p = 0.316, d = 0.339, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 2.079 [2.632, 3.460]), for the color swap condition, more gain change was maintained following the instruction color than the instruction position (t(34) = –3.643, p = 0.005, d = 1.214, two-sided t-test) and for the array shift with color swap condition, less gain change was maintained following the instruction color than following the instruction position (t(34) = 4.944, p < 0.001, d = 1.648, two-sided t-test).
We also investigated if incongruent information within the post-saccadic visual feedback attenuated learning (i.e. if it interfered with the adjustment of saccade gain to the action goal). Therefore, we compared gain change obtained in the incongruent conditions (color swap, array shift with color swap) with gain change obtained in the congruent condition (array shift), that served as control condition. We did this separately for late-adaptation and post-adaptation trials. For the instruction to look at the colored object, the adjustment of saccade gain was equally strong in the array shift and in the color swap condition (t(17) = 0.111, p = 0.913, d = 0.026, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 3.096 [4.098, 5.556]), which indicates that the incongruent position of the target object within the object array did not interfere with the required adjustment of saccade amplitude. The change to saccade gain in the array shift with color swap condition was less pronounced than in the array shift condition (t(17) = 8.096, p < 0.001, d = 1.908, two-sided t-test) and did not deviate significantly from zero (t(17) = –1.881, p = 0.077, d = 0.443, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 0.971 [1.891, 1.536]), indicating no substantial development of gain change throughout the adaptation phase. Thus, participants adjusted their saccade motor performance to the goal without interference from incongruent post-saccadic information about the object position within the array. For the position instruction, the adjustment of gain was equally strong in the array shift with color swap condition as in the array shift condition (t(17) = 0.875, p = 0.394, d = 0.206, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 2.375 [3.049, 4.049]), and thus unaffected by incongruent post-saccadic color information. In the color swap condition, saccade gain change was less pronounced than in the array shift condition (t(17) = 9.567, p < 0.001, d = 2.255, two-sided t-test) and remained around zero throughout the adaptation procedure (t(34) = 0.139, p = 0.891, d = 0.033, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 4.082 [5.525, 7.634]), indicating that participants maintained their original saccade gain and continued to meet their goal without experiencing any interference from incongruent color information.
We then assessed whether incongruent post-saccadic information might have affected the after effect (i.e. whether the saccade gain change that carried over to the no-feedback trials reflects implicit learning rather than just a strategic adjustment to an error signal). For this, we conducted the same analysis for the post-adaptation trials. For the instruction to look at the colored object, saccade gain change in the array shift with color swap condition remained smaller than gain change in the congruent array shift condition (t(17) = 7.489, p < 0.001, d = 1.765, two-sided t-test), but some significant after-effect emerged (t(17) = -2.900, p = 0.040, d = 0.684, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 0.1887 [0.210, 0.253]). This indicates that incongruent information about the relative position, induced by the shift of the object array, led to an implicit shortening of saccade amplitude (i.e. learning). The effect of this implicit learning process might have been masked by the execution of a strategically planned saccade that would steer the eye toward the post-saccadically colored object and that became only visible once the feedback was removed and the strategy no longer applied. Thus, the incongruent spatial information appears to have affected saccade execution latently.
In the color swap condition, less gain change was carried over to the no-feedback trials than in the array shift condition (
t(17) = 4.058,
p = 0.005,
d = 0.957, two-sided
t-test). This decrease in gain change could either be due to an interference effect of incongruent position information, or, more likely, be a characteristic of adaptation without spatial prediction error. For this form of saccade adaptation, an explicit strategic component might play a more important role and it is known to produce smaller after effects than conventional adaptation (
Schütz et al., 2014).
For the position instruction, the pattern of results from the late-adaptation trials was confirmed in the no-feedback trials. In the array shift with color swap condition, as much gain change was transferred to the no-feedback trials as in the array shift condition (t(17) = 0.112, p = 0.912, d = 0.026, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 3.096 [4.098, 5.556]), indicating that no interference occurred. Thus, the incongruent color information did not attenuate adaptive adjustment of the saccadic amplitude. In the color swap condition, saccade gain change was substantially less pronounced than during the array shift condition (t(17) = 8.344, p < 0.001, d = 1.967, two-sided t-test) and remained around zero (t(17) = –0.150, p = 0.883, d = 0.035, two-sided t-test, BF01 = 4.082 [5.525, 7.634]). Thus, the incongruent color information did not interfere with maintaining a stable saccade amplitude throughout the adaptation procedure.
After assessing the influence of instruction and feedback type on primary saccade gain and latency, we investigated secondary saccade characteristics, such as latency and accuracy. Secondary saccades are not necessary for adaptation to occur (
Wallman & Fuchs, 1998), but are typically made to shift the fovea from the primary saccade end point to the saccade target object. Thus, we assessed whether participants corrected their gaze to the object that was, by instruction, defined as target object. For these analyses, we only included secondary saccades that followed a primary saccade that landed either between the two conflicting post-saccadic targets (conditions array shift with color swap and color swap) or between the pre- and post-saccadic target position of the saccade target (array shift). In this way, we could analyze whether the gaze correction that followed the primary saccade occurred in the right direction (i.e. toward the target object). Saccades that were aimed toward the defined target object were considered accurate. The average accuracy of secondary saccades in the different conditions is depicted in
Figure 4A. For the instruction to look at the colored object, the average accuracy was 91.74% (
SD = 13.90%) in the array shift condition, 77.24% (
SD = 20.42%) in the color swap condition and 94.81% (
SD = 7.11%) in the array shift with color swap condition. For the position instruction, the average accuracy was 82.79% (
SD = 21.61%), 92.78% (
SD = 17.54%), and 80.10% (
SD = 15.81%) in the conditions array shift, color swap, and array shift with color swap, respectively. However, note that there are participants who made few primary saccades that landed between the two conflicting post-saccadic targets and that were additionally followed by secondary saccades that matched our inclusion criteria. Thus, for some participants only few secondary saccades entered our further analysis (
Figures 4B,
4C). We calculated a mixed ANOVA on the accuracy of the secondary saccades and found neither a significant main effect of instruction (
F(1, 34) = 0.529,
p = 0.472, η
2p = 0.015) nor feedback (
F(2, 68) = 0.304,
p = 0.739, η
2p = 0.009). The interaction was significant (
F(2, 68) = 8.144,
p < 0.001, η
2p = 0.193). Because the residuals showed some moderate deviation from normality and the data were heteroscedastic, we calculated an additional robust mixed ANOVA on the 20% trimmed median (
Mair & Wilcox, 2020), which confirmed the pattern of results (instruction:
F(1, 21.998) = 0.226,
p = 0.639; feedback:
F(2, 16.689) = 0.633,
p = 0.543; interaction:
F(2, 16.689) = 7.989,
p = 0.004).
Post hoc tests showed no difference in accuracy between both instructions in the array shift (t(34) = 1.477, p = 0.149, d = 0.492, two-sided t-test) or the color swap condition (t(34) = -2.448, p = 0.118, d = 0.816, two-sided t-test), but during the array shift with color swap condition, secondary saccade accuracy was higher for the instruction to look at the colored object than for the position instruction (t(23.614) = 3.381, p = 0.020, d = 1.127, two-sided Welch's t-test). When assessing possible interference of incongruent information on secondary saccade accuracy, we found no evidence of lower accuracy in the incongruent conditions (color swap: p = 0.064, r = 0.63, one-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test; array shift with color swap: p = 0.882, r = 0.320, Wilcoxon signed-rank test) than in the congruent array shift condition for the instruction to look at the colored object. However, the difference in accuracy between the array shift with color swap and the color swap condition was significant (t(17) = 3.617, p = 0.019, d = 0.853, two-sided t-test). When instructed to look at the object at the specified position, secondary saccade accuracy was not lower in the incongruent conditions (color swap: p = 0.977, r = 0.542, one-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test; array shift with color swap: p = 0.224, r = 0.216, one-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test) than in the congruent condition array shift. There was no significant difference in secondary saccade accuracy between the array shift with color swap and color swap condition (p = 0.118, d = 0.634, two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Overall, the results do not suggest that incongruent post-saccadic information weakened the ability to perform accurate corrective saccades. It appears that participants recognized the saccade target, defined by either the feature dimension color or by position, after the primary saccade and then initiated the gaze correction successfully. The results suggest that gaze correction was particularly stable in the array shift with color swap condition when participants followed the instruction to look at the colored object, with accuracy being higher than for the same post-saccadic feedback when following the position instruction, and accuracy being also higher than in the color swap condition following the instruction to look at the colored object. However, this result should be treated with caution because, firstly, the origin of this advantage is unclear and, secondly, some participants contributed only little data to this analysis.
We also investigated the influence of post-saccadic feedback and instruction type on the average secondary saccade latency throughout the adaptation procedure (
Figure 5). The mixed ANOVA showed a significant main effect of feedback (
F(2,68) = 10.818,
p < 0.001, η
2p = 0.241) whereas neither the main effect of instruction (
F(1,34) = 1.732,
p = 0.197, η
2p = 0.048) nor the interaction between feedback and instruction (
F(2,68) = 1.686,
p = 0.193, η
2p = 0.047) had a significant impact on the secondary saccade latency. In order to further investigate the effect of post-saccadic information and also a possible interference of conflicting target objects for gaze correction, we calculated post-hoc t-tests. For the color instruction, the secondary saccade latency was larger in the color swap than in the array shift condition (array shift:
M = 263.79 ms,
SD = 33.377 ms; color swap:
M = 228.65 ms,
SD = 29.13 ms;
t(17) = 3.686,
p = 0.005,
d = 0.869, one-sided
t-test). The secondary saccade latency in the array shift with color swap condition (
M = 263.71 ms,
SD = 49.95 ms) was also higher than in the array shift condition (
t(17) = 2.580,
p = 0.039,
d = 0.608, one-sided
t-test), whereas the difference between the two incongruent conditions array shift with color swap and color swap was not significant (
t(17) = –0.006,
p = 0.995,
d = 0.001, two-sided
t-test). Thus, for the instruction to look at the colored object, secondary saccade latency was higher when there were conflicting targets for gaze correction.
For the position instruction, secondary saccade latency was higher in the array shift with color swap condition than in the array shift condition (array shift with color swap: M = 293.28 ms, SD = 59.92 ms; array shift: M = 243.07 ms, SD = 40.59 ms; t(17) = 3.440, p = 0.008, d = 0.811,one-sided t-test). The color swap condition (M = 259.51 ms, SD = 43.64 ms) did not evoke longer latencies than the array shift condition (t(17) = 1.350, p = 0.097, d = 0.318, one-sided t-test) and no difference in secondary saccade latency occurred between the incongruent color swap with array shift and the color swap condition (t(17) = 2.209, p = 0.124, d = 0.521, two-sided t-test). Thus, for the position instruction, the interference effect of incongruent post-saccadic information did not show in the color swap condition.