Average search slopes were computed from the mean RTs of each observer. RTs greater than 10,000 msec were excluded from analysis as were RTs from the practice trials.
Figure 16 shows average RT by set size for target-present and target-absent trials in each distractor condition. As can be seen in the figure, the Ear-enhanced condition produces faster, but not more efficient search. A comparison of the search slopes reveals that the Evolve-Hard and Ear-Enhanced distractors produced similarly inefficient search.
Figure 16 shows that adding extra “ears” reduced RTs. This effect appears to be additive, without an effect on the slope of RT x set size functions. A 2 (distractor condition) × 3 (set size) repeated measures ANOVA over RT for target present trials shows a main effect of distractor condition (
F(1,11) = 11.96,
p = 0.005,
\(\eta _G^2 = 0.521\)), a main effect of set size (
F(2,22) = 40.10,
p < 0.001,
\(\eta _G^2 = 0.79\)), with no interaction (
F(2,22) = .85,
p = 0.44,
\(\eta _G^2 = 0.07\)). A 2 (distractor condition) × 3 (set size) × repeated measures ANOVA over RT for target absent trials falls short of showing a main effect of distractor condition (
F(1,11) = 4.09,
p = 0.07,
\(\eta _G^2 = 0.521\)), shows a main effect of set size (
F(2,22) = 41.73,
p < 0.001,
\(\eta _G^2 = 0.79\)), with an interaction falling short of statistical significance (
F(2,22) = 0.325,
p = 0.058,
\(\eta _G^2 = 0.23\)). Paired
t-tests comparing target present RT × set size slopes for evolved hard distractors (mean slope = 30.76) and ear-enhanced distractors (mean slope = 30.99) did not find a significant difference between the two (
t(11) = .06,
p = .95). Paired
t-tests comparing target absent RT × set size slopes for evolved hard distractors (mean slope = 109.4) and ear-enhanced distractors (mean slope = 79.54) did not reach significance (
t(11) = 1.83,
p = 0.05). As ever, target absent conditions facilitate a longer search duration than target present conditions.