Binocular rivalry has been traditionally investigated using subjective reports among 2-4 pre-defined states(OS,OD,piecemeal, & superimposition). We used the 4-phase InFoRM method (Skerswetat & Bex, 2021,VSS) during which 28 observers moved a joystick to 1st: Indicate and 2nd: Follow physically changing stimuli, 3rd: measure binocular rivalry, & 4th: Replay those rivalry changes via physical stimulus changes. Stimuli (±45°, 2c/°, 2°sine-wave-apertures, 3 contrast conditions) were either physically blended to simulate continuous rivalry-states or presented dichoptically to generate perceptual rivalry while leaving participants condition-blinded. Clustering and dynamics of joystick reports (3600 data/trial) were analyzed to classify perceptual experiences continuously. We compared joystick reports from ‘Rivalry’ and ‘Replay’ to validate individual rivalry dynamics using pairwise data comparison. We applied a Hamming distance algorithm and fit individual’s results with an exponential function to estimate agreement and perceptual delays. There was agreement (77% ±3 (standard deviation) across trials/observers/conditions) between Rivalry and Replay responses and median response delays (161ms ± 8ms) were not significantly different across contrast conditions. InFoRM: Rivalry provides a tool to quantify perceptual dynamics for both basic and clinical research of neuro-typical and atypical populations.
Funding: Supported by NIH grant R01 EY029713. InFoRM is protected by a provisional patent that is owned by Northeastern University, Boston, USA. JS & PJB are founders of PerZeption Inc.