The resulting data were analysed using LME models for baseline contrast and critical distance, separately. This was done for all three tasks separately and also on combined data to compare masking, crowding and grouping. LME models are advantageous for the analysis of fully balanced designs with missing data as they make row-wise exclusions unnecessary, thereby making superior use of the available data (e.g., compared with repeated-measures analysis of variance). To determine the model that best describes the data we first fitted the full model. This was either a model with one fixed factor (eccentricity) or a model with two interacting fixed factors (eccentricity and flanker orientation or task). Inter-participant variability in intercepts was included as a random effect. From this model we gradually removed first the interaction, and then the fixed factors, while assessing whether this influenced the model fit as indicated by a chi-square difference test. Only factors/interactions that influenced the model-fit were included in the final model. Follow-up pairwise comparisons were corrected for multiple comparisons (Tukey HSD) based on the number of possible comparisons (e.g., three for eccentricity). Degrees of freedom were adjusted using the Kenward-Rogers method. The LME models were run in R (version 4.0.3) using the “lme4” package (
Bates et al., 2015). Pairwise differences for the estimated means were analysed using the “emmeans” package (
Lenth et al., 2018). In addition, repeated measures correlations (
Bakdash & Marusich, 2017) were used to analyze the relationship between baseline contrast and critical distance respectively for all tasks, as well as to analyse possible commonalities between the different tasks regarding their baseline contrasts and critical distances. Prior to these analyses, both critical distance and baseline contrast were normalized for eccentricity. This is necessary to ensure that observed correlations can be directly interpreted as correlations between the factors of interest. Thus, critical distance was expressed as a fraction of stimulus eccentricity, which is a common approach in the field (
Greenwood et al., 2017). Previous studies have documented, and our current findings confirm, that contrast thresholds increase approximately linearly with eccentricity from the parafovea to the mid-periphery (
Albright & Stoner, 2002;
Himmelberg et al., 2020;
Virsu & Rovamo, 1979). Therefore, baseline contrast was normalised by dividing the values for 3.5
\({}^\circ\), 7.0
\({}^\circ\), and 10.5
\({}^\circ\) by factors of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Individual values were excluded from the analysis when they were at the limit of the exponential fit (i.e., baseline contrast = 0.01 before normalization) or exceeded the experimentally tested values for critical distance (i.e.,
\(\gt \)0.6). Repeated measures correlations were conducted in R using the “rmcorr” package (
Bakdash & Marusich, 2017). Repeated measures correlations are superior to normal correlations when applied to data from a repeated measures design as they allow the analysis of non-aggregated data without violating the assumption of independence of observation. This does not only make better use of the available data, but also rules out several issues that arise when data from a repeated measures design are submitted to a classical correlation analysis. First, a choice needs to be made on whether correlations will be performed within each level of the repeated measures factors (e.g., eccentricity), on data averaged across levels, or on data collapsed across levels. Performing correlations separately within each level will require a large set of participants to detect anything but a strong effect, as it would necessitate correction for multiple comparisons. With a minimal repeated measures design with two factors with two levels, the criterion
p value would already be reduced to 0.0125. In contrast, averaging the data across levels eliminates a part of the variability and reduces participants’ data to a single mean for each factor, thereby obscuring some of the individual differences (e.g., direction and magnitude of effects). Sometimes, data from several measurements is combined prior to correlational analysis without the use of summary statistics—That is, each level is entered as an independent data point. However, this leads to an inflation of the degrees of freedom and violates the assumption of independence, potentially leading to overestimations of the magnitude of correlations or (in the worst-case scenario) to false outcomes showing associations where they do not exist or associations that are incorrect in their directionality. To counteract the increased probability of a type I error as a result of testing correlations between multiple variables, we apply a more stringent alpha level of 0.01 to reject the null hypothesis.