For the resolution image degradation conditions (see
Figure 3a), there was a significant overall reduction in accuracy as the degree of blur increased,
F(5,170) = 104.196,
p < 0.001. Overall, accuracy was higher with static image presentation compared to the dynamic presentation,
F(1,34) = 76.99,
p < 0.001, and a significant interaction was seen between blur level and presentation condition,
F(5,170) = 6.591,
p < 0.001. For reaction time, results showed no overall main effect as the degree of blur increased,
F(1.4,48) = 2.708,
p = 0.093, but significantly faster reaction times with static image presentation compared to the dynamic presentation,
F(1,34) = 13.555,
p < 0.001. A significant interaction between blur level and presentation condition was also seen in reaction times with the greatest difference seen when no blur filter was applied and no difference in reaction times across presentation conditions with the largest blur filter,
F(5,170) = 4.184,
p < 0.001. Post hoc comparisons using Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons with an adjusted critical α = 0.0083 support this pattern. Participants in the static condition were significantly faster in their correct discrimination reaction times for the four lowest blur levels (all
p values < 0.001) but were not significantly faster in the two highest blur levels (
p = 0.026 and
p = 0.770, respectively). Reaction time variability generally increased as the degree of blur increased,
F(2.9,98) = 3.887,
p = 0.012, and was higher with static image presentation compared to the dynamic presentation,
F(1,34) = 67.33,
p < 0.001. Results did not show a significant interaction between blur level and presentation condition on reaction time variability,
F(5,170) = 1.409,
p = 0.223. For the contrast image degradation conditions (see
Figure 3b), accuracy was higher with static image presentation compared to the dynamic presentation,
F(1,34) = 96.926,
p < 0.001. There was also a significant main effect of contrast level with accuracy dropping as contrast was reduced,
F(5,170) = 52.687,
p < 0.001. However, as seen in
Figure 3, this overall main effect was primarily driven by reductions in accuracy in the dynamic presentation condition, which is seen in the significant interaction between contrast level and presentation condition,
F(5,170) = 43.290,
p < 0.001. For reaction time, results showed a general slowing of reaction times as the image contrast was reduced,
F(2.8,95.3) = 3.159,
p = 0.031, and faster overall reaction times with static image presentation compared to the dynamic presentation,
F(1,34) = 54.891,
p < 0.001. However, a significant interaction between contrast level and presentation condition was again seen with the greatest difference in reaction times when no contrast filter was applied and a reversal in reaction time patterns across presentation conditions at the lowest contrast level tested,
F(5,170) = 35.471,
p < 0.001. Post hoc comparisons using Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (critical α = 0.0083) were again calculated for reaction times. Results show that participants in the static condition were significantly faster in their correct discrimination reaction times for the five highest contrast levels (all
p values < 0.001). Whereas participants in the static condition were numerically slower to respond at the lowest contrast condition, the difference across presentation conditions was not significantly different (
p = 0.017). Reaction time variability also mirrored findings from the blur conditions. Here, reaction time variability increased as image contrast was reduced,
F(5,170) = 11.053,
p < 0.001, and was higher with static image presentation compared to the dynamic presentation,
F(1,34) = 16.50,
p < 0.001. The interaction between contrast level and presentation condition was not significant,
F(5,170) = 0.489,
p = 0.784.