We use a Bayesian statistics framework for our correlation analysis using a default Jeffreys-Zellner-Sior prior with an unbiased scale factor of one (
Wetzels & Wagenmakers, 2012). Bayesian hypothesis testing encourages the use of competing models to test which hypothesis is best supported by the data. Here, our first model is that arts experience relates to object recognition ability (a correlation in either direction; H
1), and the alternate model is that arts experience does not relate to object recognition ability (no correlation; H
0). We report BF
10 to index the likelihood of one model over the other. For example, a BF
10 = 3.00 would mean that H
1 is three times more supported by the data than H
0; in other words, the larger the BF
10 value, the better. Bayes factors can be interpreted without any arbitrary cutoff as they index relative evidence between the two hypotheses. However, we follow conventions set out by
Jeffreys (1961) to describe the magnitude of evidence: anecdotal (BF
10 = 1–3), substantial (BF
10 = 3–10), strong (BF
10 = 10–30), very strong (BF
10 = 30–100), and decisive (BF
10 > 100). For ease of interpretation, when data are more consistent with H
0 than with H
1, we report BF
01, which is simply the inverse of BF
10 (interpreted in the same manner, as support for H
0 against H
1). We also report highest posterior densities as 95% credible intervals (95% CIs) for our point estimates of correlation magnitude (the true correlation value has a 95% probability of being within the interval).