Human vision adjusts its sensitivity to the visual environment through a process known as adaptation. Adaptation occurs in a variety of visual features, including brightness (
Reuter, 2011), motion (
Anstis, Verstraten, & Mather, 1998), and spatial frequency (
Blakemore & Campbell, 1969). Adaptation also occurs for color (see
Webster, 1996 for review). Color adaptation is a phenomenon in which, after prolonged observation of a specific color (an adaptation color), the perceived color shifts in the opposite color direction to that of the adaptation color. Color adaptation involves adjusting the relative sensitivities of different classes of cones, as modeled by the von Kries adaptation (
Chichilnisky & Wandell, 1995), and adjusting the sensitivities of the post-receptoral cone-opponent mechanisms (
Pugh & Mollon, 1979;
Stromeyer, Cole, & Kronauer, 1985). Color adaptation has a significant impact on various everyday color perception. For example, color adaptation is regarded as one of the main factors supporting color constancy (
Foster, 2011); under reddish illumination, the light reflected from objects should be predominantly long-wavelength, but color adaptation suppresses reddish components from the perceived color by decreasing the responses of the L-cone and post-receptoral L–M channel. This type of color adaptation is primarily caused by the mean color of a scene (
Webster, 1996).
However, the mean color of a scene is not the only cause for adaptation to color. After adapting to a visual stimulus, including spatiotemporal modulations in chromaticity and luminance, the perceptual contrast of colors (e.g. perceptual saturation of red-green) is known to decrease along the modulation color direction of the adaptation stimulus (
Krauskopf, Williams, Mandler, & Brown, 1986;
Webster & Mollon, 1991). This adaptation is called color contrast adaptation (
Webster, 1996) and is distinguished from the typical color adaptation described above. Because our visual environments have large spatiotemporal variations in luminance and chromaticity, color contrast adaptation should also significantly affect daily color perception. For instance, it has been reported that color aftereffects seemingly occur contingent on specular and diffuse reflection components (
Nagai, Yamagishi, Tani, Koida, Kitazaki, & Nakauchi, 2013). In their experiments, the observers adapted to an object image created by adding high-luminance specular components and low-luminance diffuse components with different chromaticities (e.g. red specular and green diffuse components). In this adaptation stimulus, chromaticity-luminance relations were spatially variegated and differed between these two reflection components. After the adaptation, they were presented with a test achromatic image with only diffuse or specular components and perceived the opposite color to the corresponding adaptation component (e.g. after they adapted to an image with red specular and green diffuse components, they perceived greenish colors on an achromatic image with only specular components and reddish colors on an image with only diffuse components). This phenomenon cannot be explained by color adaptation to the mean color but may be partly due to adaptation mechanisms sensitive to combinations of luminance and chromaticity. This phenomenon provides us the motivation for investigating adaptation to complex chromaticity-luminance combinations.
What mechanisms are involved in this seemingly complex adaptation phenomenon? One candidate is the noncardinal channels of color representations in the visual cortex (
Gegenfurtner, 2003;
Webster & Mollon, 1991). A series of experiments by Webster and colleagues (
Mizokami, Paras, & Webster, 2004;
Webster & Mollon, 1991; Webster & Mollon,
Webster & Wilson, 2000) have shown that the attenuation of perceptual contrast after color contrast adaptation occurs not only in the cardinal directions corresponding to the cone-opponent channels (
Derrington, Krauskopf, & Lennie, 1984; L–M and S directions) but also in intermediate color directions. This result cannot be explained by the cardinal mechanism model and has been interpreted as involving higher-order mechanisms composed of channels sensitive to intermediate (noncardinal) color directions (
Webster, 1996). Such higher-order mechanisms have also been suggested by color discrimination experiments using noise-masking paradigms (
Gegenfurtner & Kiper, 1992;
Goda & Fujii, 2001;
Hansen & Gegenfurtner, 2006;
Li & Lennie, 1997). Furthermore, physiological studies on color tuning characteristics in V1 and V2 (
Kiper, Fenstemaker, & Gegenfurtner, 1997;
Lennie, Krauskopf, & Sclar, 1990;
Wachtler, Sejnowski, & Albright, 2003), and functional neuroimaging studies (
Kuriki, Sun, Ueno, Tanaka, & Cheng, 2015) have supported the existence of cells tuned to the intermediate color directions rather than the cardinal directions.
However, the experimental conditions for investigating the noncardinal mechanisms may be insufficient. In earlier experiments on contrast adaptation, the colors in adaptation stimuli were defined in luminance-chromaticity planes, and the locus of the spatiotemporal color modulation in adaptation stimuli was often one-dimensional (
Webster & Mollon, 1991;
Webster & Mollon, 1994). Their results showed a decrease in perceived color contrast along the adaptation direction after adaptation. In addition, when focusing only on the chromaticity direction, the perceived color seems to shift in the opposite direction of the adaptation stimulus between higher and lower luminance levels (e.g. figure 17 in
Webster & Mollon, 1994). For instance, after the observer adapts to a stimulus whose color modulates along the red-bright/green-dark direction, the perceived color shifts to the greenish direction at a high luminance level and the reddish direction at a low luminance level. Therefore, in stimuli whose specular and diffuse components differ in their luminance-chromaticity distributions, as described earlier, this type of luminance-dependent perceived color shift is likely to be one of the causes of color adaptation, seemingly contingent on specular and diffuse reflections. However, there is naturally some overlap in the luminance distributions of the specular and diffuse reflections. Therefore, the chromaticities are not neatly separated between low and high luminance levels but are somewhat complicated. Few studies have examined how the visual system adapts to stimuli with complex luminance-chromaticity distributions.
In the present study, we investigated the characteristics of color contrast adaptation to stimuli with temporal color modulations along complex chromaticity-luminance loci. We aimed to infer the color representations contributing to color contrast adaptation throughout the psychophysical experiments. Specifically, by increasing the complexity of the luminance-chromaticity relationship, we examined whether perceived color shift after adaptation occurs differently across different luminance levels (e.g. adaptation to diffuse and specular reflections, as described above). In the results, when lower, medium, and higher luminance levels have different chromaticities in an adaptation stimulus, such as red, green, and red at the three luminance levels, color contrast adaptation induced shifts in chromaticities corresponding to perceptual achromaticity (so-called achromatic points) in the color directions at these three luminance levels. In contrast, no such luminance-dependent achromatic point shift occurred after adaptation to color modulations along more complex luminance-chromaticity loci, such as red, green, red, green, and red, at five luminance levels. These results support the idea that noncardinal color mechanisms, whose neutral point exists at the adaptation mean color, contribute to luminance-contingent color shift after color contrast adaptation, as well as in previous studies.